Saturday, August 31, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Way Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen Approach the Subject of War Essay
The title of this poem is very powerful. It tells the reader that this is a very sad poem and that by going to war death is almost certain. Sassoon has done this to give the reader an idea of war, and, as the reader reads the poem their insight into the brutality and the sorrow of war increases. The first paragraph of this poem tells of the slow death of a soldier as the sun rises. Sassoon has skilfully manipulated language and his choice of words in order to create a visual image that is slowly sculptured as the first four lines are read. Dark clouds are smouldering into red while down the craters morning burns the dying soldier shifts his head? To watch the glory that returns†The first half of the second paragraph speaks of the patriotism of soldiers for their countries and how they â€Å"want†to die for their land. This can be observed in the line â€Å"Hankering for wreaths and tombs and hearses†. The final half of the second paragraph tells of how the soldier faces his destiny with courage. Writing has always been a tool for reflecting and commenting on society. During the 20th century many poets reacted to problems in the world with highly emotionally charged poems. The horror of war and the spiritual degradation it inflicts is evident in the work of the World War I poets. Wilfred Owen (1893-1918) and Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967) were both soldiers and poets. Their poems reflect the loss of innocence and the horrible mental and physical toll World War I inflicted on the world. ?Both Sassoon and Owen wrote war poetry to inform people of the realities of war. Sassoon’s efforts to publicly decry the war were stunted when the military announced he suffered from shell-shock and sent him to a hospital to recover. His poetry became the means of sharing his opinion that the war had â€Å"become a war of aggression and conquest,†(Norton 1832). He wanted to share with the public the true cost of war. His poem â€Å"They†reflects the common assumptions of the people at home about what the soldiers will be like when they come home. He wipes away all the illusions and shows that â€Å"you’ll not find/A chap who’s served that hasn’t found some change†(lines 9-10). In the poem, the soldiers don’t return better and brighter. Instead, Sassoon shows how they return less whole by describing their injuries.? Sassoon met Owen while both were in the hospital recovering. Both men’s greatest achievements as poets dealt with the war. Sassoon’s poems about the war were, â€Å"deliberately written to disturb complacency,†(Poets 855). He called them â€Å"trench-sketches†and wrote about what he witnessed while fighting with detail and honesty. Many of his war poems are highly satirical. While at home during the war, he was disturbed by the public’s opinion of the war. Poems such as â€Å"Blighters†show his anger toward the civilian world:? I’d like to see a Tank com down the stalls,? Lurching to rag-time tunes, or â€Å"Home, sweet Home. â€Å"? And there’d be no more jokes in Music-halls? To mock the riddled corpses round Bapaume. (5-8)? While Sassoon wrote war poetry to express his anger about the war, Owen’s main influence on his writing was not just a desire to show what war was actually like, but also an expression of the horrors he saw in many aspects of life. His poetry was heavily influenced by nightmares he experienced since his childhood which were only worsened by his experiences in battle. While in the hospital, Sassoon helped Owen with his writing. At first, Owen used many of the same â€Å"shock tactics†used by Sassoon, but he eventually found his own voice. After helping Owen with final editing process of â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth,†Sassoon wrote that he, â€Å"realized that his verse, with its sumptuous epithets and large-scale imagery, its noble naturalness and the depth of meaning, had impressive affinities with Keats, whom he took as his supreme expemplar. This new sonnet was a revelation . . . It confronted me with classic and imaginative serenity (Poets 750). Owen’s poems, such as â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth†and â€Å"Apologia pro Poemate Meo†were not just inspired by war or dreams, but were also written as replies to other authors, the latter in response to a remark by Robert Graves. Own was not only powerful in his subject matter, but also technically, which is why Sassoon, Graves, and other poets admired his work. His use of para-rhyme added greatly to his poetry because it, â€Å"produces effects of dissonance, failure, and unfulfilment that subtly reinforces his themes,†(749).? Both poets wanted to express their views and feelings about the war. Their experiences in battle, although horrible, inspired them to write better poetry than they did before the war, and in Sassoon’s case, even after the war. Owen seems to be a more psychologically complex person. His poems are often melancholy and reach people on a deeply emotional level. Sassoon’s poems also affect people, but they do not leave a lasting impression. Sassoon’s goal as a war poet is to shock, while Owen’s goal is to make people experience deep emotion. It is obvious from Sassoon’s own remarks about Owen that even he felt the extreme emotional and lyrical power of Owen’s poems. The work of each poet serves as a reminder of the awfulness of war and the effect war has on people’s lives. Dulce Decorum Est The poem â€Å"Dulce Decorum Est†was written by Wilfred Owen. This poem illustrates how poetry can be influenced by the subject of the words rather than the words influencing the topic. The poem uses various literary devices to show that dying for one’s country can be a very ugly and horrible thing; putting this idead into a poem, makes poetry a very ugly thing. Wilfred Owens makes use of many devices, but one of the first ones used in the poem is a simile. â€Å"Bent double, like old beggars under sacks. This allows one to imagine a group of people hunched over, to malnourished and beaten to even stand up straight. Another example is â€Å"flound’ring like a man on fire or lime. †The man described has been poisoned by gas, but he looks as though he is running around trying to put out a fire on himself. The simimle illustrates the suffering of the man and his hopelessness. The author also utilizes words that have definite negative connotations in order to give the reader a feeling of unease and malady. Words such as â€Å"sludge,†â€Å"fatigue,†â€Å"guttering,†â€Å"froth-corrupted,†â€Å"vile,†and â€Å"incurable,†all have negative connotations. The words taken from the context of the poem still do not, and likely could not have any possible positive images or ideas associated with them. By choosing such words Owen condemns his poem to being sorrowful, sad and ugly. This is likely the author’s intent as he sees war, sorrowful, sad, and ugly. Owen uses these literary devices and others to reach a single end. A sensory image of watching a man, in service of his country, die a terrible death. These include, the images of hunched men traveling through mud, hearing gas shells and putting on masks, a man drowning in gas, and the horrible ghastly death of that man. Owen incorporates sound with â€Å"the blood Come gargling†which enhances the horror felt by the reader. Wilfre Owen uses all these techniques to illustrate a simple point, that the phrase â€Å"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori,†or translated to english, sweet and honorable it is, to die for the fatherland, is a lie. His poem tries to make real to the reader how horrible death is even when in the service of one’s country. The statement is often made to children in search of adventure, but Owen makes clear that it is indeed a falsehood.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Profit Maximization Essay
The company selected for this project is Ingram Micro. It is one of the largest distributors of Information Technology products not only in America but in the whole world as well. Basically, the main modus operandi of the company is to generate income through selling IT products in bulk to large distributors or resellers or in retail to its dedicated special group of resellers. The main distinguishing operation of Ingram Micro in terms of profit generation is that it generates revenues by adjusting in real-time all the products it distributes from the manufacturer to the distributors. Ingram Micro is like a channel so it is crucial that price adjustments will not compromise its ability to earn profits. Technically, the mode of distributing products can be considered elastic in demand curves. This means that any changes or adjustments in the prices of the products won’t have true effect on the demands of the resellers. This is mainly due to the fact that the consumers’ market of IT products can readily adjust to price fluctuations as technology commodities always do. However, if a reseller wishes to order in bulk, Ingram Micro can immediately adjust its profit to save the deal and create more future opportunities with a specific reseller. So in this case demand really drives the profit of the company. On the other hand if one manufacturer is not able to meet the demands of the reseller, Ingram Micro can increase prices for profit maximization without even hurting its reputation among the resellers as the latter always understand the situation that Ingram Micro is simply dependent on how much commodities they can acquire at any given time. On the aspect of company operations, we can say that Ingram Micro has fixed costs of operations on its employees’ salaries, arrangement with delivery companies like FedEx and UPS and the maintenance of network systems and warehouse tax payments. Variable costs may include the cost of technology products for system upgrade, repairs and some unwanted delivery errors charged to the company’s accounts. To illustrate Ingram Micro’s profit maximization, a study on revenue and cost balances can be used. Profit maximization is attained when the marginal revenue starts to equal with marginal cost and projects upward (Wolfram, 2008). Below is a hypothetical data where Ingram Micro is set to reach its profit maximization status.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The phrase “be like water…â€Â
â€Å"Be like water†¦ †is a widely used but unfortunately usually misinterpreted expression. Many novices at single combat often use it trying to show that they are clued-up. And they can’t be accused of it as the phrase has an impressive sounding and in any case represents also impressive, though partial, understanding of Eastern way of thinking.Many such beginners think that this way was formed by Bruce Lee. However, a great martial arts actor and instructor just quoted the Eastern philosophy created much earlier (Wishop 2). The wrong usage of the phraseI became interested in this expression having read the case about one man who said that he wanted to learn martial arts because he wanted to â€Å"be like water†. This phrase seems interesting but its sense is very doubtful and I guess that this man understood it very superficially (Loeb 18).The question is if we can call the wish to â€Å"be like water†a feasible purpose. If to consider the strict sense of a phrase, every person who wants to ‘be like water’ should lay on the ground and try to flow like a stream, because we can’t be ‘like water†when we stand (Loeb 18).The real meaning and the cause of misunderstanding So, what does it really mean to â€Å"be like water†? It must be related to the Taoist philosophy and its idea about five equal elements. They are wood, metal, earth, fire and water. Each of them is very important and strongly connected to others (Greene 5). Possibly, the main issue in that water is usually associated with something soft. We say â€Å"want to be like water†when we want to move easily, without any obstacles.However, we forget that water has other qualities, which appear to be not so attractive. Bruce Lee stated: â€Å"water can flow, or it can crash†(Wishop 14). Unfortunately, people usually pay attention only to the first part of his statement, while it is necessary for everybody who wants to â€Å"be like water†to think about the fact that water can also be destructive (Loeb 20).Many people die and suffer because of floods every year and one usually trembles thinking of huge, destructive sea waves. ConclusionMany phrases are frequently misunderstood and misused because people are inclined to pick new words and utterances very quickly and do not ever try to find out more about their origin. That creates the misuse of the world and finally it can loose its primary meaning. It would be better if we were more scrupulous and curious about new words and phrases we use.Works Cited Wishop, James. Bruce Lee: Dynamic Becoming. Dallas: Promethean Press, 2004 Greene, Neil. Taoist philosophy. London: Oxford UP, 1996 Loeb, Martha. The Ways to Avoid Misunderstanding. New York: Nerd Press, 2003
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Issues in behavioral science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Issues in behavioral science - Essay Example Many people from the non-western countries often find themselves encompassed by the western culture making them undermine their local culture. Subsequently, cultural globalization reduces the diversity between global societies and on the other hand increases the diversity of individual choice. Zimbabwe and Kenya portray two of the most distinctive cultures greatly submerged in the pool of the western culture. The controversies that arise from cultural diversity tend to lay their basis on the dynamics of contemporary cultural growth. International relationships or amalgamation of countries due to change in technology has become a major concern to cultural change (Bliss, 2007). In response to cultural change due to globalization, both the society of Zimbabwe and Kenya have with time completely changed from their local cultural lifestyles to adoption of foreign cultures. Before transformation, both cultures had a very different conception of lifestyle compared to their recent mode of life. They observed strict observance of the local customs and values. For instance, the mode of dressing which was perceived before transformation has greatly changed. Moreover, change in language and change approach of cultural customs has become diverse due to interaction with different invaders and indigenous inhabitants (Mensah, 2008). A case common in both countries which entails a custom of sitting around the fireplace and listening to stories has changed with technology thus having children using computers and televisions. This explains the influence of globalization and western culture on the local societies. As a growing society, Kenya has experienced diverse changes in its culture. It is evident that the western culture has polluted Kenyan’s culture in quite a number of several ways. Cultural diversity in Kenya being of major concern revolves under globalization. It is evident that the need to expand economically has enhanced
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Construction Management - Finance and Risk Management Essay
Construction Management - Finance and Risk Management - Essay Example re than eight merchant vessel which includes more than 1000 tons of displacement out of which four comprised of the Cargo ships and two included oil tankers, one was the combination of both oil ship and ore and one included refrigerated cargo. The construction and the development of the marine projects in Turkmenistan are mainly dependent on the policies and regulations of the government of Turkmenistan. The marine construction project in Turkmenistan have developed due to the participation and cooperation from the foreign countries which includes the firms of Turkish, French and Ukrainian for developing and constructing the marine based projects. The projects are undertaken by us with the assistance and the support of other industries which includes the implementation on marine construction projects that mainly comprises of designing and construction. The main mission of our marine construction industry is that it safeguards the environment and the employers consider the employees a s the asset of the industry and it shares rich values among its employees. The directors and the executives of our industry mainly focus on the strategic planning that includes the corporate planning application of the concepts of financial management and adoption of risk management. The risk management or the risk assessment process in the marine construction industry includes the identification of the occupational risk of health that is associated with the conduct of operation and also improvement or development of various health programmes for reduction or minimization of risk related to the exposure of the employees of the marine construction industry. The industry establishes or formulates standard terms, rules and regulations that are relevant to the transactions for safeguarding and protecting the company against the risk and liabilities. The industry maintains an integrity in case of its financial reporting and the formulation of the internal control system and the main
Human resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Human resource Management - Essay Example The three human resource topics that will be emphasize in this analysis are managing sex and gender issues, employee benefits and compensation, and equal employment opportunities. My father’s company currently has only two employees. I envision tremendous growth for this company and within five years it is highly likely the firm could approach a payroll of over 100 employees. One of the topics that must be emphasized by the managers and the human resource department of the company are sex and gender issues. The civil rights and feminism movements of the 1960’s helped women reached equality in the United States. In the past women served the role of housewives. Today there are as many women in the workforce as men. In the 1900 only 19% of women worked, but by 2007 women composed 46% of the labor force (Lee & Mather, 2008). Due to the importance of women in the workplace the company must protect the rights of its workers and provide equal opportunities for employees of bot h sexes. My father’s business will become a place where people feel secured and happy to work there. The best way to achieve that goal is by complying with labor laws to ensure the employees are provided with a safe working environment. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Right Act prohibits sex discrimination in the workplace. â€Å"Title VII applies to private employers, state and local government employers, labor organizations, employment agencies, and joint employer-union apprenticeship programs with 15 or more employees†(Equalrights, 2011). The company will utilize an ethical framework to ensure all employees are respected. Another problem related with gender is a concept known as glass ceiling. The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that affects the chances of women and minorities to reach the managerial level in an organization due to prejudice (Businessdictionary, 2011). To prevent the glass ceiling from occurring at the organization the firm must hire women and mi norities to become a part of the managerial team as the firm begins to grow. The company must audit its human resource composition every three months. The manager will compare the ethnic and gender composition to determine if the firm’s human resources have a similar composition as the population of the United States. The second human resource issue that the company must manage well is its employee salary and benefit packages. Employees participating in the U.S. labor force expect to get compensated well. In the United States the average salary is $41,673 (Ssa, 2011). The company must perform adequate research on how much each profession is paying in the United States. The salary the company will pay its employees will be equal or higher than the average salary for the profession based on experience. A website that provides excellent information regarding the salaries of different professions based on work experience is (Salary, 2011). The company will be able to m aintain a higher employee retention rate if the firm pays competitive salaries. A second component of a total compensation package is the benefits. In today’s economy sometimes employees value benefit as much if not more than salary. The employees knows that a salary can be replaced by getting a different job, but a job that offers tremendous benefits are hard to
Monday, August 26, 2019
Planning Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Programs Assignment
Planning Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Programs - Assignment Example Plan a meal timetable within your means. Be realistic to yourself, you may not be able to become a complete vegetarian, but you can incorporate vegetables into your meals twice or thrice a week. Do not plan to lose 30 pounds in one month that is out of your reach (Ostchega & National Center for Health Statistics, 2008). Instead, you can plan to lose 2 pounds every week. That is achievable and will be relevant to the DASH program. This is a primary prevention program that an individual can work alone’ (National High Blood Pressure Education Program, 1993) Regular exercise at least 30 to 60 minutes per day in a week lowers your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). For it to be effective in controlling hypertension, SMART goals must be set. Exercise will be effective when you ask yourself what you want to accomplish. For instance, you can decide to lose weight by walking. A specific exercise goal will help you decide which formula to use to accomplish your objective. To know that you have reached your target, there must be measurement. Do not just walk often, walk for 30 minutes for seven times in a weak. Use a scale to measure your weight and a tape measure to measure your waist before the beginning of weight loss program. This will help you calculate the progress of the program. The program should answer the questions like how much and how often. The program objectives should be achievable. For example, you cannot start by walking 7miles in 20 minutes but you can start with 1 mile in 30 minutes. The basic question here is, â€Å"can I do or have the ability. When you start, the program, ask yourself, do I have enough resources and skills to do this? Do I have the will to work for this objective? It should be realistic and not what you cannot sustain. For instance, you can walk for 30 minutes every day but it is difficult to walk for 2 hours
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Agile Software development (individual Reflection Report ) Essay
Agile Software development (individual Reflection Report ) - Essay Example alyze and gather various sets of information on agile development process so as to use its techniques in developing the Student Attendance Monitoring System. The group got information from lecture notes, books and online sources about the Agile Development process. The group was able to come to an agreement that the system offers a framework that is lightweight, entailing a collection of development methodologies which are iterative used by development teams. From the information that the group gathered, it was clear that agile development software delivers working software of high-quality in the functionality of business value. This is the kind of software that the group needed in the development of the monitoring system. Another technique that the group was looking out to in the agile development process was its combination of methodologies such as question-and-answer (QA), project management, and even in engineering practices, together in a way that will help the agile development team through processes of managing, planning and delivery of the software. Every member of the group had a role to play, assigned by the group leader. With the combination of all the roles, the group saw the realization of its objective on the assignment. The members gathered information from sources mentioned earlier. The group was able to compile the information that Agile’s most popular methodologies include the extreme programming methodology (XP), Scrum, Kanban and hybrid methodologies. The group noted that even though these software methods have approaches that are specific and unique to each of them, they have the same core values and share a similar vision stated in the agile manifesto (Holcombe 2008). During the development process, the group employed some of the XP practices. The practices were pair programming, system metaphor, test first development, small release, and continuous integration and collective ownership. All the group members knew how the system works
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Examine the Movements of their Employees at Work Essay
Examine the Movements of their Employees at Work - Essay Example It is this monitoring that has raised ethical issues causing detrimental effects to both employer and employee. Whereas employers justify their actions with the right to get value from their employees and resources, employees’ have objected with the reasoning that their personal privacy is being unlawfully breached. Background Employee monitoring can be defined as the act of surveillance and monitoring employees’ actions during stipulated working hours by use of employer equipment (Stanton & Stam, 2006). It entails the use of computers to record, evaluate and observe an employees’ use of computer, plus communications like web sites visited and emails sent or received besides telephone calls made. However, it is legal for employers to use computer programs to monitor employees (Duquenoy, Jones & Blundell, 2008). Employee surveillance has gained prominence as a prerequisite and in the same breath a contentious issue due to the complexity and prevalent use of techno logy at the work place. Employers are worried with employees’ proper behavior and conformity to work related regulations. Hence some critics believe employee monitoring is an inalienable responsibility. To others it is an invasion to privacy. Managers employ different ways of monitoring employees’ internet use, emails and their location to capitalize on employee productivity, uphold the integrity of the firm and to defend the interest of clientele and work mates (Duquenoy, Jones & Blundell, 2008). When managers start to probe into employees’ private life, mistrust and acrimony are built between employees’ and managers. Many workers have lost their employment and a lot more companies have had to face lawsuits filed against them because people believe that the use of internal company communications should remain confidential (Bassick, 2007). Managers and owners of private firms have had several reasons to scrutinize the activities of their employees. Some a re driven by the displeasure when employees misuse company money and waste time to carry out non-work related tasks. Others would want to confirm any suspicion of criminal, fraudulent or unwanted conduct by their employees; observe application of safety and health regulations; make certain to compliance of internal employment policies; verify the quality of work done; protect staff from harassment or unjust treatment in the office and so forth (Lane, 2003). Managers base their actions on the basis that they have a right to examine employee productivity and to guard against fraud and theft. This will ultimately lead to employee monitoring (Lane, 2003). Some of the areas prone to abuse in the work places include use of company resources like vehicles, technology adapted at workplace like electronic communication, and adherence to acceptable working hours. In this report, I will review employee monitoring on their use of electronic communication at the workplace, more so the ethical di lemma facing managers and employees. Hence the questions of how far should managers go to examine employee movements? With the arrival of advanced technological capabilities, many professional and personal tasks are becoming quicker and more convenient to carry out. For instance, email has been viewed as a convenient substitute to making telephone calls because it is perceived as private. In the real sense it is public because it leaves a record long after it has been deleted (Bassick, 2007). Thus a skilled person can easily retrieve it from a networked communication system.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Ethical And Social Issues Of The Healthcare Assignment
Ethical And Social Issues Of The Healthcare - Assignment Example From an ethics perspective, there are many in global society that adheres to the principles of deontology, an ideology that states it is the primary obligation of society members to sustain respect and commitment for others while working to effectively promote the well-being of humans (Mack, 1998). Additionally, Hume (2002) offers that it should be a guiding principle, abound of duty, that society should seek to maximize the utility of others, or the pursuit of maximizing one’s satisfaction and the fulfillment of their needs (Roberts, 2011). Furthermore, the United Nations has defined as inalienable protections from degrading or cruel treatment and the right to avoid exploitation by society or government. Individuals in the society that do not have adequate resources to receive adequate healthcare are exposed to cruelty as they are denied treatment and illness prevention services which have implications for sustaining their well-being and even social status. Healthcare should not be limited to individuals who have ample financial capital, which is the primary definition of privilege. Healthcare is a right because, without it, it exploits an individual, leaves a person in a degrading social position, and does not improve their personal utility which is a fundamental obligation of an ethical society. The United Nations, an organization consisting of 193 different member nations, has established a charter indicating a set of universal human rights that should ensure no individual in global society be exploited by society or government (Fomerand, 2009). Individuals who are denied health care are absolutely being exploited, oppressed by capitalistic systems in which the value of money outweighs the value of human life. With the majority of the world adopting the ideology of capitalism, a system in which capital goods and services (namely healthcare) are exchanged for the price (Degen, 2008), many individuals in society are compared to pricing mechanisms which forbid access to important services as a result of sustaining minimal resources.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Internal and external environment Essay Example for Free
Internal and external environment Essay Introduction Internal and external environment of each company is a concept of poles apart. The knowledge of human is influenced by various factors that are surrounding the environment in which that an individual is placed. A continuous and steady improvement is the order of the day for increasing the human efficiency in working environment. â€Å"THE modern business man is the true heir of the old magicians. Every thing he touches seems to increase ten or a hundredfold in value and usefulness. All the old methods, old tools, old instruments have yielded to his transforming spell or else been discarded for new and more effective substitutes. In a thousand industries the profits of to-day are wrung from the wastes or unconsidered trifles of yesterday†(Scott, Walter Dill, 1998 Increasing Human Efficiency in Business, Chap. I. pg. 1) The era of computerization is system based approach at every level of working, whether it is in business, management, information technology or any industrial and social sector. The adherence to system has been fruitful in all aspects and also in locating the risk areas that can be monitored to avoid such risks with appropriate standards of management techniques and tools. Definition of system and Manager’s adoption of principles of system A system is defined as an organized, unitary whole composed of two or more interdependent parts (subsystems) where the whole contains identifiable boundaries from its environment (suprasystem). The practice of system is based on system principles and methods which are to be understood by a manager are : (1) Define company as a system (2) Establish system objectives (performance criteria) (3) Identify wider systems (environment). (4) Create formal subsystems (including a humanistic, psychosocial subsystem (5) Integrate the subsystems with the whole system (if not the subsystems themselves, whatever interrelates them with other subsystems. There are various aspects that are co-related with systems approach in terms of management of external and internal environment and how management theory is applicable in legal matters and what is the status of manager in communication in solving complex issues that arise from time to time in both external and internal environment. This is another way of stating that a manager has to be dynamically competitive and work advantageously in both environments with the prop of system theory. Systems theory as prescribed above, requires a complete in-depth understanding about working of a company apart from day to day analysis of performance within and outside environment of a company. The tools that are effective in measuring and managing the affairs of a company are viz., time management, risk management, supply chain management, team management, customer relation management, operation management, management of information systems, decision supportive systems and organizational behavior. A continuous persisting efforts of a manager produces emergence of new ideas and strategies apart from assisting in identifying key areas of a problem. It can also be stated that problems produce some of the best systematic ideas that are recognized as best strategies in the long term for the benefit and growth of a company. †And while the body is confined to one planet, along which it creeps with pain and difficulty; the thought can in an instant transport us into the most distant regions of the universe; or even beyond the universe, into the unbounded chaos, where nature is supposed to lie in total confusion. What never was seen, or heard of, may yet be conceived; nor is any thing beyond the power of thought, except what implies an absolute contradiction†. â€Å"But though our thought seems to possess this unbounded liberty, we shall find, upon a nearer examination, that it is really confined within very narrow limits, and that all this creative power of the mind amounts to no more than the faculty of compounding, transposing, augmenting, or diminishing the materials afforded us by the senses and experience†(Raleigh, N. C Alex Catalogue, An Enquiry concerning Human understanding, Sec. II. The origin of ideas, pg. 11) Ideas are the final output of thinking process, which has to undergo a brain storming session, group discussion and after several workshops, a company launches a new product.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Methods of Interrogation Essay Example for Free
Methods of Interrogation Essay An important component on a methodical approach to criminological research is the aspect of investigation. Utilizing the techniques of interview and investigation, it is primarily bordered by government policies and social regulations. The techniques employed by both draws heavily from the studies of psychology and sociology, as a tool to facilitate the enforcement of law in the society. In probing towards a case, the objective of the entire investigation would be to ascertain the details of the crime that would eventually lead to the offender’s arrest and meet its just punishment. But before this could be achieved, investigators had to go first through the process of discovering and identifying the criminal. Upon the offender’s positive identification, law enforcers or investigators go the tedious process of locating the criminal and establish his responsibility over the crime before the court. In whatever stage the investigation may be in, whether in the process of identification, location, or court litigation, the investigator relies heavily on gathered information that could be extracted through techniques of interview and interrogation. With the fast development of technology used in crime investigation, the method of interview and interrogation might be perceived as having of no use. However, investigators still continue to depend on these methods particularly on cases wherein there is scarce or no physical evidence to work on. II. Reasons for Conducting an Interview or Interrogation The basic reason for utilizing interview or interrogation is to obtain information. The endpoint would be for the investigator to bring a subject to admit or confess of having done a crime. The objective of the entire course of investigation of course, is to arrive at the truth of the situation. Specifically, these are: †¢ Provoke the guilty to confess †¢ Allows the investigator to narrow down the list of suspected criminals †¢ To identify the facts and know the circumstances surrounding the crime †¢ To establish the identity of all those who are involved of the crime †¢ To gather information that would help locate physical evidence †¢ Gather information that would lead to hideouts, crime operations, organizations or individuals involved, especially crimes involving drug trafficking †¢ Gather information that could be used as reference for future investigation †¢ It is also utilized as a pre-test and post-test in conducting polygraph tests of suspected criminals (Aubry, Caputo. 1980) III. Difference Between Interview and Interrogation The nature or circumstances by which an interview and interrogation is used vastly differ, although the terms are frequently associated together. Interviews are carried out in a more genial atmosphere. The person from whom information is taken out is set to feel at ease. It is assumed that when a person feels no anxiety or unthreatened by person questioning, the greater the tendency that a person would speak more and thus give out more information. An interview is usually used by an investigator towards a possible witness. On the other hand, when a person is subjected to sever psychological (and sometimes physical) pressure, placing the person in great discomfort, such method is called an interrogation. This is usually employed when the one being questioned is uncooperative. The investigator uses psychological warfare, to gain control and force a confession over the person. Success in interrogation is achieved when the investigator has learned to skillfully practice it both as a technique and art. Conducting an investigation requires a good understanding of human behavior as well as knowing how to influence the situation by acting, since the person being questioned could range from a respected professional, a teenager, or even as young as a child. It is highly relevant to the success of the case that the investigator know how to adapt to the varying demands of the circumstances. A. Methods of Interrogation In conducting interrogation, it is important that the subject be properly classified whether it is an emotional or non-emotional offender. The classification dictates the course of action that the investigator will undertake his approach towards the offender. †¢ Emotional Offender In carrying out an interrogation under this classification is much easier, compared to a non-emotional offender. Often emotional offenders commit a crime out of passion, therefore most are first-time offenders. They are driven by strong emotions in committing the crime such as jealousy, lust, or anger. The investigator will find it easier to drive him to confession by dealing through his emotions. There are a variety of ways with which this can be done. The investigator primarily wins the confidence of the offender by demonstrating sympathy or compassion, and being pleasant where hostility was expected (i. e. giving a cup of coffee). It is also vital that overt reactions towards the crime or any association, reference to it be closely observed. An emotional, first-time offender would less likely be good at hiding his emotions. When lying, his tension would easily be observable. The tension in his body will lead to dryness in the mouth. The offender might relieve himself of the tension by playing with his fingers or by tapping his foot. Frequently, lying goes with poor eye contact. When confronted by hard data proving his guilt, emotional offenders often break down for confession.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Difference Between Walmart And Procter Gamble Information Technology Essay
The Difference Between Walmart And Procter Gamble Information Technology Essay In late 1980s, Procter Gamble, the manufacturer and Wal-Mart, the distributor started to practice vendor managed inventory (VMI) partnership. Their success on increasing efficiency of supply chain immediately trumpeted other organization like Campbell Soup, Johnson Johnson, Glaxosmithkline ¼Ã…’Electrolux Italia ¼Ã…’Nestle and Tesco, and also Boeing and Alcoa, to apply VMI approach. VMI is a business model which is first implemented and common among grocery industry. Vendor or supplier usually refers to manufacturer. Instead of having the customers, often distributors, to place order to vendors,, as in traditional replenishment process, VMI created a value added service in which vendors have full responsibility on maintaining agreed level of inventories for distributors. Through VMI software, manufacturers either able to monitor and access distributors actual inventory level, or distributors will send sales and inventory data via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or internet on pre-arrange schedule, typically on daily basis. Manufacturers then make resupply decisions regarding order quantities, timing, and shipping based on mutually agreed stock levels, fill rates, and transaction costs. Yes, the researcher agreed that VMI provides significant benefits to an organization. Therefore, exploring the benefits arise from implementation of VMI, would be the next focus for this paper. The paper also objectives to examine the disadvantages involved in the application of VMI for both distributors and manufacturers. 2.0 : VENDOR MANAGED INVENTORY Advantages The advantages were introduced in terms of manufacturers, distributors, not to forget dual benefits. 2.1.1 For manufacturers Increased productivity More efficient own inventory control Increased customer relationship Improved market analysis Increased sales Cost reduction VMI Benefits for Manufacturers Figure 1: VMI Benefits for Manufacturers Source: The Researcher Cost reduction Administration cost, operating cost, transportation cost and many more are decreased because of lesser order problem like bad data, and decreasing unexpected order. Increased sales This is the quickest advantage as sales could be rise to 5-25%. This mainly due to increased sales of their customers, contributed by lesser stock out problems, together with improved product mix, as a result of better demand visibility. Market share also increased because distributors could experience lower cost, greater profitability, and improved service from manufacturers. Another factor is better collaborative planning for special sales such as promotion. Improved market analysis More frequent and direct communication allowed better insight in customer demand. This enables easier market analysis and created opportunities to provide other value added services. Increased customer relationship Manufacturers secured its customers by providing continuous supply, avoiding out of stock problems. VMI also assured long term relationship together with steady and predictable income as long as manufacturers still carrying the task of maintaining a predetermined stock for its customers, often a distributor. More efficient own inventory control With the ability to monitor and keep track its customers actual sales and inventory, manufacturers able to forecast demand, hence better plan and control its own inventory, for instance, keeping just enough stock for manufacturing and resupply for its customer. Increased communication also allows promotion to be easily incorporated into inventory plan. Increased productivity Manufacturers productivity is increased because monitoring customers stock regularly enable manufacturers to control its own inventory more efficiently, thus manufacturing operations could be schedule more productively. 2.1.2 For distributors Improved service Increased sales Cost saving Lesser stock-out Lower inventory level VMI Benefits for Manufacturers Figure 2: VMI Benefits for Distributors Source: The Researcher Lower inventory level Manufacturers have greater responsibility to ensure availability of inventories, by ordering replenishment when inventories fall below order point. Frequent review of inventories and demand information enable manufacturers to more accurately control lead time component of order point calculations, hence reducing safety stock. Lesser stock-out or shortage The theory and reasons is just the same as for reducing safety stock and inventory level, which is automatic replenishment by supplier before stock-out, and better order calculation due to increased visibility of actual demand. Having manufacturers to monitor its own items also allows better respond to unexpected demand compared to typical distributors managing bulks of items from different manufacturers. Cost saving Administration cost is reduced. Since manufacturers in charge of stock replenishment, the cost involves for managing replenishment, generating purchase order and other administration task is eliminated. Distributors will then require lesser time and effort in ordering. Cost involved in bad or wrong order is eliminated too. VMI also decreased cost of carrying stock. Increased sales VMI leads to fewer out-of-stock situations. This simply means higher sales, as lesser sales opportunities are lost, and customer loyalty is improved. Increased visibility in demand ensured the right products always available at right time and right place. Frequent communication also allow better collaborations with suppliers in planning for new product introduction, promotions, and exceptional demand, allowing distributors to enjoy full advantage of special sales opportunities. Improved service Having correct items at correct moment improved overall service level. Manufacturers practicing VMI also keen to provide better service to distributors. 2.1.3 Dual Benefits In addition to the above advantages, both manufacturers and distributors benefit from shortening of supply chain. Human data entry errors were avoided through computer to computer communication, which also improve processing speed. Next, overhead is lowered due to automated VMI. Another consequence would be stronger ties and true partnership between manufacturers and distributors. Furthermore, timing of purchase orders was stabilized on a predefined basis, for example once weekly purchase order cycle. Disadvantages The researcher also identified some disadvantages. Firstly, manufacturers might need additional effort and cost to undertake resupply activities which is previously carried out by distributors themselves. Therefore, manufacturers must guaranteed substantial amount of gross profit and sales to cover those extra expenses. Secondly, since distributors are excluded from forecasting demand, inaccurate forecast might occur. In terms of distributors, dependency on single source of supply gives disadvantages when suppliers unable to meet its commitment. Distributors also faced potential in losing confidential information since manufacturers are given access to its data. There is also possibility of job losing as replenishment tasks are transferred back to manufacturers. Implementing VMI also means distributors unable to enjoy bulk purchase discount, promotion, and forward buying. Another risk is that lacking of advanced information technology could results in outdated and incorrect information sharing. Besides cost of technology, application of VMI also involved cost of training and changing organization. Moreover, the success of VMI is hugely determined by the strength of relationship between manufacturers and distributors. For instance, lack of trust in data exchange could leads to ineffective implementation, including inventory invisibility and inventory imbalance. Since VMI increased dependency on both parties, switching cost is raised and these created difficulties in switching. Flexibility is loss through VMI because special events or promotions required beforehand communication in order to eliminate replenishment mistake. The next concern is that VMI which encouraged lower inventory contributed to loss of shelf space at distributors selling area. This decreases attention of their buyers, hence market share are loss. However, they are ways to overcome these disadvantages. Take the above example, shelf space could be filled with other items from same vendor. Furthermore, achieving mutual agreement before applying VMI would creates mutual trust, therefore strengthens relationship and partnership between manufacturers and distributors, thus better price and transaction, resulted in better service to the end customers, which will then generate significant benefits for both parties. 3.0 : CONCLUSION Procter Gamble and Wal-Mart appears to be the pioneer and master of VMI, a supply chain practice which is popularized among grocery industry since late 1980s. As oppose to traditional business model where distributors initiate purchasing order, buying decision in VMI are shifted back to vendors, often manufacturers. This is an automated process where manufacturers automatically make resupply decision, ensuring certain amount of stock is available for distributors to meet consumer demand. Manufacturers are given access to real-time sales and inventory level, where electronic data will be sent by distributors to manufacturers through EDI or internet. Under VMI partnership, both manufacturer and distributor are bound by agreement which determines information like inventory level, refill rates, cost, and shipping. The researcher agreed that VMI created numerous advantages for both manufacturers and distributors. Examples include increased sales, cost reduction, lower inventory level, lesser stock-out, improved service, improved productivity, improved market analysis, shortening of supply chain, improved processing speed, stronger partnership and many more. Nevertheless, VMI have disadvantages too. These incorporate additional effort and cost for manufacturers, inaccurate demand forecast, dependency on single source of supply, loss of confidential information, loss of job, loss of purchase discount, outdated and incorrect information sharing due to lacking of advance technology, cost of training, changing organization, increased dependency, increased switching cost, loss of flexibility, loss of shelf space, and loss of market share. As conclusion, the researcher recognized that VMI could be structured properly in order to maximize its advantages and minimize its disadvantages. To illustrate, good flow of information is key to success in VMI application. Thus, it is necessary to allow information sharing by ensuring an open communication channel. Implementing a well-structured VMI also required good understanding of VMI as well as training of staff. Other measures to avoid VMI failure includes clarify expectation, and achieve an agreement between manufacturers and distributors regarding factors such as lead time, cost, and information sharing.
The Symbolic Meaning Behind the Black Procession in OConners A Late E
The Symbolic Meaning Behind the Black Procession in O'Conner's A Late Encounter with the Enemy Czechoslovakian philosopher and political mind Vaclav Havel, in his discourse The Power of the Powerless, talks about the danger of "living within a lie" (84). He argues that individuals who refuse to develop a strong sense of self and instead "merge with the anonymous crowd and flow comfortably along with it down the river of pseudo-life" (38) inevitably experience a "profound crisis of human identity" (45). Havel was speaking specifically of communism, but more broadly of the human condition. His warning is similar to moral message of Southern writer Flannery O'Conner in her short stories, specifically A Late Encounter with the Enemy. O'Conner, unlike Havel, sends her message through her fictional characters. They frequently live in contrived worlds the neglect the realities of their lives. O'Conner operates on a highly symbolic and ironic level to demonstrate this to her readers. In A Late Encounter with the Enemy, the General is typical of O'Conner's characters, unwilling to reveal his actual self. But when he is faced with the black procession at graduation, it reminds him of his true, forgotten past, and it is this truth -- the enemy -- which ultimately leads to his death. The General refuses to remember the past. He refers to it as "a dreary black procession" (399). The past is of no importance to him because he is only concerned with the present. All he cares for are parades and "beautiful guls" (400). The General is able to justify his avoidance of the past. O'Conner tells us that he "didn't have any use for history because he never expected to meet it again" (399). There is only one moment from the... ...he gives about him, giving the reader a clear picture of what sort of character he is. But he is weak in his sense of self, content to live as a symbol of a glorious past rather than as a true human. O'Conner exploits this weakness and slowly breaks the General down through the course of the story. She demonstrates the dangers of living a lie, of becoming someone that one is not. Her message is that the fate of the General will be the fate of all man if he chooses to live within a lie. O'Conner warns that life lived without human identity is comparable to Havel's river of pseudo-life. Only she uses the image of a black procession -- dark, solemn and resulting in painful death. The analogies are very different, but the message is the same. Works Cited Havel, Vaclav. The Power of the Powerless. trans. Paul Wilson. Hutchinson Educational, 1985.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Guilty Conscience in Macbeth :: essays research papers
In my opinion, the statement â€Å"If you commit a crime and don’t get caught, it doesn’t really matter because your guilt over what you have done will destroy you in the end†is true and happens in reality. What is a crime? It is an evil act that breaks the law or the basic values of the society, harming the individuals of the society. So if you commit a crime, and don’t get caught the fact that you have committed a crime and your heart knows will haunt you forever and make you feel guilty. If you know that the act you did was wrong, but you did it anyways ignoring what you knew will definitely lead to your destruction. Even though, you would appear to be confident to others, after committing the crime, but your inner conscience will always curse you and will eventually destroy you. This is what happened to Lady Macbeth in the play written by William Shakespeare, â€Å"Macbeth†. When Macbeth informed Lady Macbeth of the witches’ prophecy of him being the king of Scotland, she incited him to kill Duncan (because of her desire or ambition to rule Scotland). She could not kill Duncan herself, so she told him to slay Duncan. Even though, Lady Macbeth did not kill Duncan, she knew it was because of her provocation that Macbeth was forced to take this step. In the beginning of the play, she is blood thirsty and cruel. In the middle, when she had to hide Macbeth’s hallucination of seeing Banqous ghost, she said â€Å"Good friends, think of this as nothing more than a strange habit. It's nothing else. Too bad it's spoiling our pleasure tonight†(III, iv, 101-103). She is still confident and is trying to stabilize Macbeth’s thoughts. Till this point she is not shown to be guilty of her act but confident. Gradually, as the play progresse s we hear about Lady Macbeth’s condition from her maid, who says to a Doctor â€Å"Since his majesty went into the field, I have seen her rise/from her bed, throw her nightgown upon her, unlock her/closet, take forth paper, fold it, write upon 't, read it,/ afterwards seal it, and again return to bed, yet all this/while in most fall asleep†(V,I, 3-8). Then Lady Macbeth says while sleep walking â€Å"Out, damned spot! Out, I say!â€â€One, two. Why, then, 'tis time to do 't/. Hell is/murky!â€â€Fie, my lord, fie! A soldier, and afeard?
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Sony Corporation Executive Summary :: Sony Business Marketing Essays
Sony Corporation Executive Summary Sony's current financial difficulties are tied into its corporate culture which were stated over 30 years ago. With such a large multinational corporation, greater planning and more use of strategies should be pursued. Sony could start with the implementation of a new mission statement, with profit and benefits of the company tied more closely to everyday operations. Internally, the four forces, the management, the designers, the production and the marketing should achieve better communication and cooperation. Alliance and cooperation between competitors should also be actively sort after in order to create standards in new fields. Sony should aim at being the leader instead of being the maverick. As for cost cutting, Sony should seriously consider setting up operations in other Asian countries in order to take advantage of the cheap labour and the budding markets. Finally, diversification, instead of pursuing the fast changing and easily imitated consumer goods market, Sony should use its technological know-how for high-end business and office equipment. With SWOT analysis and Porter's competitive forces model, we can view that the market is much more competitive with less profit margins and lead-time for product innovation. The conclusion is that change is needed in Sony. However,even with strategirial and structure change, the Sony spirit of innovation should remain intact because that is what made Sony grow and would make it stay strong. Introduction The first thing that comes to peoples minds of the company and products of Sony is its high-technology-filled-with-gadgets electronic goods and innovation. It was also this innovation that make Sony the greatest company that started in post-war Japan. Sony has used its innovation in building markets out of thin air, created a multibillion, multinational electronic empire with products such as the transistor radio, the Trinitron, the Walk-in and the VTR. that changed everyday household lives forever. However, this consumer targeted quest for excellence and constant innovation instead of targeting mainly at profit also has a lot to do with current crisis Sony is facing - sales and profits are down or are slowing down, capital investment cost and R&D are climbing, competitors are moving in with copycats, the battle between VHS and Beta and the search for a smash hit product such as the Trinitron or the Walk-in. This volatility and emphasis (or gambling) on new products instead of concentrating on profit and loss statements have always been a part of Sony since its beginning days. For each successful product (i.e. transistor radio and Trinitron), R&D cost often ran so high that the they pushed the firm to the verge of bankruptcy. This can also be seen through the eyes of the investor in which although sales have increased tremendously
Saturday, August 17, 2019
William Shakespeare
Begin with an interesting quotation related to your opinion about Shakespeare Mystery (You will need a transition here) – End the Intro paragraph with your thesis statement: Even though that william shakespeare is the author of all plays and sonnets published in his name. , William Shakespeare of Straford-upon-Avon is the man who wrote the play and sonnets because that all evidence correlates with william shakespeare being the author and all the plays that he wrote were credited to him and published in his name.Body Paragraph #1 Topic of the body thesis: that william shakespeare is the author of all plays and sonnets published in his name. – Find evidence – like facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back it upor support the topic sentence of this paragraph. – Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence Another example that shows that that william shakespeare is the author of all plays and sonnets published in his name. is†¦  œ Find more evidence – facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back it up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph. Explain how this second piece of evidence supports the topic sentence. Body Paragraph #2 Even though that william shakespeare is the author of all plays and sonnets published in his name. , William Shakespeare of Straford-upon-Avon is the man who wrote the play and sonnets because that all evidence correlates with william shakespeare being the author. – Find evidence – like facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back it upor support the topic sentence of this paragraph. – Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentenceAnother example that shows that that all evidence correlates with william shakespeare being the author is†¦ – Find more evidence – facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back it up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph. – Explain how this second piece of evidence supports the topic sentence. Body Paragraph #3 The most important reason William Shakespeare of Straford-upon-Avon is the man who wrote the play and sonnets is because all the plays that he wrote were credited to him and published in his name. Find evidence – like facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back it upor support the topic sentence of this paragraph. – Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence Another example that shows that all the plays that he wrote were credited to him and published in his name is†¦ – Find more evidence – facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back it up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph. – Explain how this second piece of evidence supports the topic sentence. ConclusionSo you can see that although that william shakespeare is the author of all plays and sonnets published in his name. , William Shakespeare of Straford-upon-Avon is the man who wrote the play and sonnets for two main reasons. First, that all evidence correlates with william shakespeare being the author. But most importantly, all the plays that he wrote were credited to him and published in his name. – Now you will return to your opening attention-getter from the introduction – Then end your essay with a powerful So What? statement. Do you want to print or copy and email this page? William Shakespeare In the play King Lear by William Shakespeare, the good children are disowned by their fathers, but they do not stop loving their fathers and they eventually come back to rescue them from their misery. Shakespeare uses characterization of Cornelia and Edgar to show how true children will always love their parents even if they are sinned against. Cornelia is disowned by her father while Edgar is forced to disown himself. Eventually they forgive their fathers and aide in their recovery from insanity. Edger's and Cordillera's love for their fathers is so strong that they become the reason for their fathers' death.Cornelia is disowned by her father while Edgar disowns himself. Cornelia and Edgar are disowned in two different ways, yet there are many similarities. When Cornelia is asked to address her love for her father King Lear, she is unable to â€Å"heave†her heart into her mouth (1, 82-83). The imagery created shows how it is impossible to say how one truly feels. Lear is enr aged because his authority's at risk and therefore, disowns Cornelia: Here I disclaim all my paternal care, Propinquity, and property of blood, And as a stranger to my heart and me Hold thee from this for ever.The barbarous Scythian, Or he that makes his generation Messes to gorge his appetite, Shall be as well neighboring, pitied, and relieved As thou, my sometime daughter. (1 , 105-112) This passage from the play is rich in imagery. Lear compares him rejecting his daughter to barbarians who eat their own children for dinner. The metaphor shows to which extent Lear hates his own daughter because she can't express her love for him. Edgar is also disowned by his father but in a different manner. There is never a face-to-face conversation where Gloucester disowns Edgar.It happens through the circumstances created by Edmund. When Edmund tells his father that Edgar plans to kill him, at first Gloucester is in doubt. But Edmund manages to persuade his father with a fake letter. â€Å"Lo ve cools, friendship falls off, brothers divide, in cities mutinies, in countries discords, in palaces treason, and the bond cracked between son and father†(2, 104-107). In this speech, Gloucester mentions that Edgar is no longer his son. Later in the play when Edmund cuts himself and blames it on Edgar.Gloucester orders his men to find Edgar and kill him. Edgar hides in a tree and decides to disguise himself as a beggar. Edgar says: â€Å"Edgar I nothing am†(7, 186). This is a vital point because Edgar acknowledges the fact that he exists no more. It is Just like how King Lear disowned Cornelia, but Edgar disowns himself. He is no longer considers himself as the son of Gloucester; nor does Gloucester accept him as his son. Cornelia and Edgar forgive their parents even after they are betrayed and mistreated; they also, aide in their recovery.When Cornelia finds out that her sisters betrayed her father and he has gone insane, she invades Brittany with her husband's army , to find Lear: All blest secrets, All you unpublished virtues of the earth, Spring with my tears, be titan and remedial In the good man's distress! Seek, seek for him, Lest his ungoverned rage dissolve the life That wants the means to lead it. (18,17-21) The imagery created by Shakespeare shows how passionately Cornelia loves her father and she is willing to nourish the herbs with her tears so they can help her father recover.When Cornelia and Lear are finally reunited, Lear expresses his newfound humility and begs repentance. â€Å"l am a very foolish, fond old man†(21, 58), he tells her sadly, and he admits that she has â€Å"some cause†to hate him (21, 72). Cordillera's moving response, â€Å"No cause, no, cause†(21, 73), shows that love and reconvenes is embodied in Cornelia. When Gloucester goes to commit suicide, Edgar also saves his father from death. He pretends that his father Jumped from the cliff and acts as if he is astonished by his s survival. Thy life's a miracle†¦ /†¦ /Think that the clearest gods, who make them honors/ Of men's impossibilities, have preserved thee†(20, 55&73-74). Edgar convinces his father, Gloucester that God saved his life because he is not destined to die Just yet. Gloucester regains meaning to continue his life; therefore Edgar cures him from insanity. The difference between Edgar and Cornelia is that Edgar helps his father in disguise. He doesn't want his father to know it is him. â€Å"Never-?O father! -?reveal myself unto him†(24,189).Even when his father says, â€Å"Might I but live to see thee in my touch/led say I had eyes again†(15, 119-22), he doesn't reveal his identity. This is somewhat similar to how Cornelia and Lear were uncomfortable seeing each other due to not knowing how the other one would react. Edgar and Cornelia show their unconditional love by saving their fathers from insanity. Cornelia and Edgar are the cause of their fathers' deaths. The fam ilial love between father and child is so strong at the end of the play that Cornelia and Edgar re the reason for their fathers' death.When Edgar reveals his identity to his father, the Joy of meeting his son, his wish coming true, ultimately kills him: but his flawed heart-? Alack, too weak the conflict to support-? ‘Twixt two extremes of passion, Joy and grief, Burst smilingly. (24, 193-196) This is really ironic because Gloucester lives when he doesn't know Edgar if is still alive. He was in grief, when he was blinded and because he betrayed his son. But as soon as he finds out and meets his son, Edgar, he dies of Joyfulness. In contrast to Lear who experiences extreme sadness, and also passes away.Lear grief is caused by the death of his beloved daughter Cornelia: And my poor fool is hanged. No, no life. Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life, And thou no breath at all? O, thou wilt come no more. Never, never, never. -?Pray you, undo This button. Thank you, star. O, O, O, O. (24, 300-304) Lear keeps questioning the death of his daughter and also shows sign of insanity again. He prays to God asking for her life back. He is struck by misery, more than ever before, and he dies. Gloucester not only experienced Joy but also grief. Gloucester grief is caused by not being able to see Edgar and because of regret.Ultimately, Lear and Gloucester die because of losing the one they love and also due to regretting the wrong they have done in the past. The characterization of Cornelia and Edgar shows how loyal children will unconditionally love their parents even if they are wronged by their parents. Cornelia is disowned by her father while Edgar is forced to disown himself. Edgar and Cornelia never stop loving their father and show forgiveness. They also go about curing their fathers from insanity. While Lear and Gloucester have true children that are willing to forgive any sin, their unfaithful children cause them to suffer.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Music and Its Effect on the Human Body
Music stimulates brain growth and productive function. It is instinct to make and enjoy music in homo sapiens, it does not get wiped from memory by diseases like Parkinson’s or Dementia, it was been known to help children with ADHD and ADD pay attention, Charles Darwin and other specialists support the idea that it was used to help us evolve and bond throughout our existence. Music is a way for people to transmit emotions, feelings, ideas, and motivation better than words can do; almost as if it is our innate language.With all these examples, it is impossible to deny the power of music and its positive influence on our mental processes. It is engraved in our biology to be moved by music, powered by its emotional force, and to stimulate our brains in ways that enforce knowledge and facilitate natural mental processes. â€Å"In 2008 archaeologists in Germany discovered the remains of a 35,000-year-old flute. †(Zimmer 1); that discovery is undeniable evidence that music e xisted long before organized civilization. Music is a part of our genealogy, we have used it as a tool to transmit thoughts before modern language was even thought about.Charles Darwin theorized that humans started using music as a way to attract mates, as a peacock shows off its feathers. Other specialists such as Dean Falk of the School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Ellen Dissanayake of the University of Washington at Seattle believe that music was used to soothe babies as well. The proper term for this biological process is called, motheresing. Just as mothers today, in all cultures, sing lullabies to soothe their young, primordial humans did the same. The way females motherese are similar in all cultures: a quietly sung song with higher than normal speech, pitch, and slow tempo.These professionals speculate that once the essential elements were laid out and understood, adults began to make music for their own enjoyment as well. Robin Dunbar, a psychologist f rom the University of Oxford holds a third opinion, that music evolved as a way to bond together large groups. Just like primates bond with each other during grooming, primal humans did the same. Eventually, our groups became too large for grooming to remain effective; music offered a practical solution. Large groups could sing together, soothe each other, bond, and vent extra emotions all in one procedure. This practice resembles a modern day concert.It is very reasonable to believe that all of these hypotheses are true because they all exist in evolved forms today. Biologically, music has scientifically proven effects as well. Research suggests that music releases endorphins that work as natural pain-killers. Carl Zimmer states: Dunbar and his colleagues studied people who played music or danced together in church groups, samba classes, drumming circles, and the like. After the performances, the scientists made an indirect measure of the endorphin levels in the performers’ bodies, putting blood pressure cuffs on people’s arms and inflating them until the subjects complained of pain. Since endorphins kill pain, a higher pain threshold indicates elevated levels of the compounds. ) The researchers then repeated the procedure with employees of a musical instrument store who listened passively to constant background music. People who actively moved their bodies to musicâ€â€dancers, drummers, and so onâ€â€had elevated pain thresholds, but no such effect showed up among those who merely listened. (1) This could be another reason that music came into existence, to provide medical help before the days of modern medicine.Today, music therapy is used to help patients with Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, attention deficit disorders, etc. ; it is used to improve communication, academic abilities, attention span, motor skills, and management of both pain and behavior just to name a few others (Turner 2261-2271). â€Å"The Center fo r InnerChange in the Denver suburb of Greenwood Village, promotes the idea that ‘listening therapy,’ or several sessions of listening to music rich in high and low frequencies, can stimulate the brain enough to eliminate ADHD symptoms†(Samuels 37).The Music for Life project uses the power of music to soothe and repair Dementia sufferers every day. By playing soothing music the patient relaxes, smiles, and in some cases communicates! (Bredin 48). This medication, music, is free of side effects and extremely cost effective. One MP3 player costs less than any prescription of typical medication. Psychically, music therapy has numerous beneficial effects! Judith Turner states in the Gale Encyclopedia on Medicine: Brain function physically changes in response to music.The rhythm can guide the body into breathing in slower, deeper patterns that have a calming effect. Heart rate and blood pressure are also responsive to the types of music that are listened to. The speed of the heartbeat tends to speed or slow depending on the volume and speed of the auditory stimulus. Louder and faster noises tend to raise both heart rate and blood pressure; slower, softer, and more regular tones produce the opposite result. Music can also relieve muscle tension and improve motor skills. It is often used to help rebuild physical patterning skills in rehabilitation clinics.Levels of endorphins, natural pain relievers, are increased while listening to music, and levels of stress hormones are decreased. This latter effect may partially explain the ability of music to improve immune function. A 1993 study at Michigan State University showed that even 15 minutes of exposure to music could increase interleukin-1 levels, a consequence which also heightens immunity. (2261-2271). Without doubt, one can say that music has important physical effects on the body and should be used as a natural supplement for both the healthy and the ill.To reduce anxiety, relax heart rate, and relieve pain through release of endorphins music is a superior choice (in comparison to drugs) to assist in medical endeavors. Mentally, music has numerous benefits as well. It heals the brain through enabling exercise of damaged lobes of the brain and releasing crucial. Autistic patients have shown particularly significant progress when aided with music therapy. Therapy with music is proven to aid in autistic patients communication, relationships with others, and improve their learning skills.Cases with substance abuse, schizophrenia, paranoia, and personality disorders are aided with skills of social interaction, reality orientation, coping skills, stress reduction, and expression of feelings. (Turner 2261-2271). Although the effects of music therapy are countless, the simplicity of therapy is uncanny. Therapists analyze their patients’ conditions then choose a variety of techniques to provide the desired effects, then use musical endeavors such as singing, listening to in strumental music, composition, dancing and guided imagery to help the patient cope with their affliction.Learning to play a musical instrument helps develop motor skills in individuals with developmental delays, brain injuries, or any other motor impairment while also exercising impulse control and group cooperation. Creative movement improves coordination, strengths, and even balance. Improvisation can help anyone learn to express emotion through nonverbal means as well as encouraging socialization and communication of feelings. Singing can develop vocal articulation, rhythm, and breathe control. For troke victims, remembering lyrics and/or melodies is an invaluable technique in healing their amygdala (the part of the brain that deals with memory and perception of auditory stimuli); a healthy amygdala also provides clearer speech and more effective communication. Getting out feelings is easily facilitated with music. Composing lyrics and music assist in persisting through fears and negative feelings. Listening to music can also make people aware of memories or emotions that need to be acknowledged. Singing is also a similar method. Guided Imagery and Music (A.K. A. GIM) is a widely recognized technique developed by music therapist Helen Bonny. This technique utilizes music to invoke emotions, pictures, and symbols from the patient as a bridge to the exploration and expression of (often subliminal) feelings. (2261-2271). Further, Turner explains more of the possibilities of musical therapy in the Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Patients with brain damage from stroke, traumatic brain injury, or other neurologic conditions have been shown to exhibit significant improvement as a result of music therapy.This is theorized to be partially the result of entrainment, which is the synchronization of movement with the rhythm of the music. Consistent practice leads to gains in motor skill ability and efficiency. Cognitive processes and language skills often benefit from a ppropriate musical intervention. Pain, anxiety, and depression are major concerns with patients who are terminally ill, whether they are in hospice or not. Music can provide some relief from pain, through release of endorphins and promotion of relaxation.It can also provide an opportunity for the patient to reminisce and talk about the fears that are associated with death and dying. Music may help regulate the rapid breathing of a patient who is anxious, and soothe the mind. The Chalice of Repose project, headquartered at St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula, Montana, is one organization that attends and nurtures dying patients through the use of music, in a practice they called music-thanatology by developer Therese Schroeder-Sheker. Practitioners in this program work to relieve suffering through music prescribed for the individual patient. (2261-2271).Without a doubt, music affects the brain in some very dynamic ways. It has roots thousands of years old, evidence as being an important factor in human evolution, and substantial effects on people today. Rhythm and melody can heal the sick, provide aid in medical treatment, increase brain functioning in both the ill and the healthy, and influence mood to a significant degree. In conclusion, no matter what music someone is in to, it has a noteworthy effect on our body and brain. Works Cited Begley, Sharon. â€Å"Music on the Mind: Scientists are finding that the human brain is pre-wired for music.Could this sublime expression of culture be as much about biology as art? †Newsweek 24 July 2000: 50. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 19 Sep. 2012. Bredin, Henrietta. â€Å"Communicating through music: Henrietta Bredin on how Music for Life can help overcome the isolation of dementia sufferers. †Spectator 12 Dec. 2009: 48+. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 19 Sep. 2012. Dalrymple, Theodore. â€Å"If music be the food of health. †Spectator 10 Nov. 2007: 51+. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. We b. 19 Sep. 2012. Samuels, Christina A. Attention Seekers; Some parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder say alternatives such as brain exercises or music therapy are better than medication. †Education Week 27 July 2005: 37. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 19 Sep. 2012. Turner, J. (2002). Music Therapy. In D. S. Blanchfield & J. L. Longe (Eds. ), The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine (2nd ed. , Vol. 3, pp. 2269-2271). Detroit: Gale. Zimmer, Carl. â€Å"The Brain; Is Music for Wooing, Mothering, Bonding–or Is It Just ‘Auditory Cheesecake'? †Discover Dec. 2010: 28+. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 19 Sep. 2012.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Ten Steps to a Home Manicure
B. [pic] D. [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] F. Ten Steps to Give yourself an at Home Manicure This is a fun, easy, and safe way to achieve polished fingernails without paying the higher beauty store prices when going through these ten steps. This is for adults only, or to do with adult supervision for younger girls, always keeping safety in mind, and always putting the products up safely after use. Before beginning, wash your nails thoroughly, even with the polish on your fingernails. Try to get your nails clean underneath your nail cartilage where it is not attached to the skin before beginning.If you notice growths, tiny knobs under there, or any redness or dirt substance that does not come out from under your fingernail bed, stop this process, and go to see a medical doctor. You will need: †¢ 1 pack of cotton balls (cotton wool balls) †¢ 1 fingernail polish remover †¢ 1 emery board †¢ 1 nail trimmer †¢ 1 cuticle remover †¢ 1 bottle of fingernai l polish †¢ A couple of paper towels Nail polish removing. Firstly, take out as many cotton balls as needed one at a time, and safely douse each fingernail with nail polish remover, until your whole fingernail is your natural true color (colour).It is available now at the stores in bottle or sponge form. For the sponge type, you have to dip your finger into the container, usually a plastic one, and swish your finger around frequently checking it to make sure your fingernail polish is coming off. For the fingernail polish in the bottle (without a sponge embedded in it), you have to carefully tip it over using the cotton ball at the top to stop the liquid from spilling out and it is recommended that you have some paper towel handy to wipe off any excess fingernail polish remover that spills over as a result.Whichever fingernail polish remover you choose, swab your fingernails one by one until they are your natural color (colour). If you frequently use nail polish, your natural na il can become tinged with yellow, not to be confused with bold yellow, and not red or green, or swollen. If your fingernails or fingers start to become red, green, or swollen, seek medical attention immediately. If you are doing ok and your nails are now their natural color (colour) go to step 2. Filing your nails with an emery board. Next, you should have what is called an emery board.An emery board is usually a very inexpensive fingernail board used for filing down rough nail surfaces that is rough on the surface at least on one side. An emery board should not be used to scrape your natural nail surface at all. It will make your smooth fingernails rough. You can use the emery board quite effectively on the end of your nail, in order to give it a consistent shape and make the tip of your nail smooth, not rough. Emery board comes in all shapes and sizes, and you can even look for one to fit your personality or wardrobe color-wise.As soon as you are done smoothing the tips of your na ils in a uniform manner, proceed to the next step 3. Trimming your fingernails. A fingernail trimmer is used in your home nail process when you want to reshape or shorten your nails more efficiently than with an emery board. You can make your fingernails shorter using fingernail clippers, which are clippers that are small in size, designed to fit your nail shape and be able to cut your fingernail without doing any damage, but care should still be taken. You should trim your nails at least once a month if they are healthy.Never trim unhealthy, discolored (discoloured) or brittle fingernails. Never trim your nails to the quick, which is the place where your fingernail cartilage meets your skin. Be mindful of safety, even at this stage of the process. If you have hypoglycemia, or any other disease such as Parkinson’s or nerves, do not clip your own fingernails if you might have an issue of safety. Some fingernails are hard and take some sharper fingernail cutters to cut throu gh them. If this is the case with yours, you may want to consider going to a salon or a simple medical visit and have a professional trim them, however, if not, trim away.This is mostly a basic and fun procedure for most people. Then start with step #4. Cuticle removing. Next, you need to use your cuticle remover to remove your cuticle, or actually push it down. Your cuticle is that soft skin that forms at the bottom of your fingernail at the place where your fingernail cartilage and your skin meet. Its job is to cover the place where your nail cartilage meets your skin, and make a smooth transition for that to happen. As your fingernails grow, your cuticle skin stretches, and this process of removing your cuticle pushes back that excess to promote your nail growth and health.Again, you would want to check your cuticle area for rashes, redness, swelling, discoloration of any kind, and if any of those issues are present in your cuticle, seek the advice of a medical professional befor e pushing it back. If you find that it looks pretty much like your fingernail and finger color (colour), but with a different smoother and softer texture, go ahead and push the cuticle back with the cuticle remover, which is a little stick like device with a softer but firm tip made especially for the cuticle.It is not a cutting type tool. It looks a little shorter than a chopstick, but has a necessary soft tipped end to make sure that your cuticle does not get damaged. Push back your cuticles one at a time using the cuticle removing tool. These are available from nearly any beauty supply store, or store that carries fingernail accessories of any kind. These are also relatively inexpensive. It is important to note that if at any time in your process your nails start to bleed mildly or a lot, stop this procedure at once.This is not likely to happen in a normal fingernail manicure, but it may be a warning of a problem with your own nails that may need medical attention. Pick a color ( colour) Now you are ready to pick out a nail polish color (colour) from your own home nail polish collection. Pick out a color (colour) that matches your skin coloring (colouring), outfit styles that you wear, or shade of lipstick. If you polish your nails frequently, make sure that you give them one or two days to air out and breathe naturally to promote healthy nails in between polishes. Application of finger nail polish color (colour)Each bottle of nail polish comes with it's own applicator inside the bottle, attached to the handle of the fingernail polish bottle. Just unscrew the top and scrape off the excess fingernail polish on the fingernail polish brush applicator on the side of the bottle itself. You can use a paper towel for this process, but you may end up with paper towel residue mixed into your color (colour) so I would not recommend it. Also, you need to make sure that you have a steady hand for this in order to get your finger nail polish on your fingernail area only, not on your skin.Skin always needs to breathe, and cannot with polish on it. When you are ready, take the applicator holding non-dripping color (colour) to your nails, brushing from the base of your fingernails upward towards the top tip of your nail. Make sure you coat your whole nail evenly. Starting at the base of the nail and applying polish in an upward motion helps you evenly coat your nail. Correcting polish mistakes. If you make a mistake, take a paper towel and douse it with nail polish remover, as you did with the cotton ball in step one, and try to get the excess polish off your skin using the flat edge of the paper towel.Then, if you need to re-coat that fingernail, go ahead. If not, great. Just move on to the next fingernail until you are done. Second coats of nail polish. Wait at least ten minutes before applying a second coat. You should not paint over your nails until the previous coat is completely dry. Without air, or low to medium speed fans blowing on them, it w ill take about five minutes for your fingernails to dry. Using high-speed fans near your wet nail polish can move your fingernail polish around your fingernail and mess its even coat up. Quick drying nails.You can buy the quick drying kind of nail polish at the stores, or a quick drying, clear sealer that is painted over the color (colour) of your nail polish to quicken drying if you are in a hurry. As a reminder, do not attempt to polish your fingernails in an area that does not have proper ventilation and do not polish your nails around close to infants. Save and print this article to have your own home fingernail painting party repeatedly. This is a fun and easy way to polish your own nails at home without paying the higher priced salon prices. Save this article, and print it out for your own fingernail painting party.Use this time as a de-stressing technique for you while beautifying your fingernails, or use this time as a special and fun group nail polishing time, invitin g your closest family and friends to have a home nail polish party with you. G. Growing vegetables can bring out the farmer in you. You till the soil and tend the plants, then reap the rewards when the plants bear fruit. Even if you don't have much sunny ground, you can still experience the pleasure of harvesting your own vine-ripened tomatoes and other crops. All you need is a generous-size container, good potting soil, and a suitable spot ? patio, deck, or corner that gets at least six hours of full sun a day. If you do have actual ground for growing, containers can still help you overcome problems like poorly drained soil, pests such as gophers, and soil-borne diseases such as fusarium wilt, nematodes, and verticillium wilt. Also, since soil in pots warms up more quickly in spring than it does in the ground, you can get a tomato or pepper off to a faster start. And tall pots make it easier for gardeners with limited mobility to tend crops without kneeling or squatting. Vegetab les in containers add visual punch to the landscape.Choose large, decorative containers and surround them with smaller pots of colorful flowers, and you'll have attractive focal points ? and a bounty of vegetables ? all summer long. Garden designer Rosalind Creasy of Los Altos, California (650/948-1588), even displays potted vegetables such as golden squash and fiery red peppers in her front yard (pictured above). Soil preparation and plant care Potting medium. Use a high-quality mix containing peat moss and perlite. Blend in a complete fertilizer, either a dry organic product ? such as one containing alfalfa meal, bonemeal, kelp meal, or other natural nutrients ? r a controlled-release type that supplies nutrients over a three- to six-month period. If you plan to water pots by hand, add soil polymers such as Broadleaf P4 (available at most garden centers) to the mix before planting to help alleviate the wet-dry cycle. As the soil dries out, these small crystals, whic h absorb a hundred or more times their weight in water, supply moisture to the roots. Feeding. If you use an organic fertilizer at planting time, supplement it with weekly applications of fish emulsion or reapply dry organic fertilizer according to package directions.If you use controlled-release fertilizer, give vegetables a boost by applying fish emulsion every two to three weeks. Watering. The best way to water vegetables in containers is with drip irrigation operated by an automatic controller. For each container, install a circle of inline emitters over the soil or distribute three or four 1/2-gallon-per-hour emitters over the soil surface (use more for very large pots). Set the controller to water often enough to keep the soil moist (in hot climates, that might be daily or every other day). If you hand-water, never allow the soil to dry out completely.Pests. If aphids, mites, or whiteflies attack, spray them with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. Handpick and destroy tom ato hornworms. Harvest. Pick crops when they're ripe: beans before the seeds swell inside the pods; cucumbers and squashwhen fruits are fully expanded but not seedy; eggplantswhile skin is shiny; peppers when fully grown and showing appropriate color (green, red, or another shade); tomatoes when fully colored (red, orange, or yellow). Sources. Most nurseries and garden centers sell seeds and seedlings of common summer vegetables.For unusual varieties and potato tubers, try these specialists. The Natural Gardening Company (707/766-9303) sells certified organic seeds, potato tubers, and seedlings of eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes. Seeds of Change sells certified organic seeds, potato tubers, and seedlings of peppers and tomatoes. Territorial Seed Company sells seeds, potato tubers, and seedlings of eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes. I. Decide what kind of a club it will be and think up a catchy name. The club should have a topic and the people in y our club should be gathering because they share a common interest.Figure out where and when your club will meet. If you would like the meetings to be held at your school, talk about it with your other club members first. Is it just once a month or twice a week you're meeting? It's important to have these details ironed out so that your members don't get confused. Make sure everyone can get to the meetings easily. If they can't come to every meeting, it's okay! Begin recruiting members for your club. Most members should be among your friends, but a few people you don't know well should be allowed to join so that it will become more popular.But keep in mind, having too many members can result in a lot of anger or frustration. Establish a â€Å"government†in your club. You could include: †¢ a leader (president). They should run the club, meetings, and enforce the rules †¢ a deputy leader, who's in charge when the leader cannot make it (vice president) †¢ a treasurer. They should handles the club monies, and keep track of dues for memberships, pay the bills for the clubs operations and activities. They should also keep records of all debits and credits for accounting purposes. †¢ a secretary. They should keep minutes f every meeting and read them for correction or addition at each consecutive meeting. They can assist with the activities of the club, such as events that are hosted, and give a report of the event at meetings that follow these events. †¢ a historian. They should keep a record of activities that the club hosts, etc. †¢ a head of Events. They should delegate club members to help in planning organized activities. †¢ an advertising team. They should be responsible for creating flyers etc. Decide on a club symbol, colors, etc. This should also be decided by the club and voted on.Make club IDs. Make a template with your name, the club's name, the member's rank (if they have one), contact info for the club, c lub location, and the time since they became a member. Get a motto/slogan. This step is optional, but it can help to keep everyone in the club on the right track. Make it inspirational. Have your first meeting. It's best to have snacks and some kind of games to make a good impression. Call members to remind them of the first meeting, as it's best if everyone attends. Keep moving forward. Have a good constitution to help clarify what you want to do and how.Help your officers to know what they should do and how to behave. There are books to guide you in these things – get one. J. Start small. Don't run for class president your first year out. Try one of the other positions, instead. If you're new at the school, try volunteering for a position that's not elected your first year, such as yearbook or newspaper. It will be a way to get to know classmates and the school and gain experience before you run. Recognize your strengths and interests. For example, if you like writing, run for secretary. If you're a leader, try president. Make promises.If you make promises that are appealing to the majority of people many of those people will vote for you. For example say you'll create a 5 minute break in the day. Collect a dedicated following made of friends. If they yell, shout and campaign for you people will get into mood and will think it is cool to vote for you. If you get elected president, make all of your possible promises come true, and try to make a good one, so you can get elected once more. Advertise! you're not going to win if people don't know you're running. Put up posters, hand out flyers or buttons, chalk the sidewalks around campus.Do anything you can do to get your name out there. However, make sure it doesn't go against the school rules. L. Instructions Torn Hem o 1 Trim or pull out any loose threads. Do this carefully so that you only attend to the area around where the hem has come down, and do not accidentally remove the stitching from the enti re of the dress's hem. o 2 Pin hem back into position. o 3 Thread your needle with as close to the same colored thread as you can manage so that your repair will be unnoticeable. o 4 Do slip stitches to repair the hem when you fix a torn dress.To do slip stitches, tie a knot in your thread, and pass your needle through a very small portion of the fabric on the back-side of the dress as possible. Draw the thread through this small portion until you reach the knot. Push the head of the needle through the top of the folded portion of the hem, then push the needle out again. Pass the needle through a portion of fabric above the hem, draw the thread through until you reach the end without pulling so you don't pucker the fabric, pass the needle into the top, folded portion of the hem, and repeat. Torn Seam o 5Take out or cut any loose threads, being careful to not remove any thread in the portion of the seam that is still OK. o 6 Pin the seam back together. o 7 Sew the seam back together by hand or with a machine, being careful to overlap the areas on both sides of the ripped seam that are still intact. Torn Button o 8 Replace a torn button by first removing the thread that remains in the dress when you try to repair it. o 9 Choose a thread that closely matches the thread that's being used for the buttons on the other dress. o 10 Be careful to sew on the button in the same fashion as the other buttons when you fix a torn dress.If the button is attached via a built-in loop or shank on the button's bottom, this isn't as much of a concern. However, if the button has four holes, make sure you sew it on in the same pattern, which will be either diagonally or vertically. o 11 Start sewing the button on from the back of the torn dress. o 12 Tie a knot in the thread, push the needle through the hole in the button and through the front of the dress, then pass the needle through the button and toward the back of the dress in either the hole above it or the hole diagonally fro m it. 13 Repeat until you get the amount of thread on the button you wish, then go on to the next group of holes. o 14 Finish the button by passing the needle up through and back through the button, but do not pierce the fabric of the torn dress yet. Loop the thread several times around the thread just beneath the button and on the top side of the dress, pass the needle up through one of the holes of the button, then back down the other hole to the back of the dress, and make a knot before cutting the thread.M. Getting good grades on exams is a dream of every student. But term papers can be overwhelming for many students who want to get good scores but don’t like to write. However, term papers are compulsory if you really want to succeed in academics. Writing a good term paper might not be as hard as many students think. It requires good organizational skills, good research, and immediate action instead of waiting till the last moment. Below are some tips to help you know how to write a term paper on time.
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