Tuesday, August 25, 2020
IB English A1 Higher Level Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
IB English A1 Higher Level - Essay Example The expression shows up in a discourse from Creon, the King of the play and the man that uses the most force. He is endeavoring, by some methods, to prevail upon his child Haemon to his perspective with respect to the entombment of the body. Basically, he likewise wishes him to acknowledge a straight-forward, at the same time, as will be seen, rather opposing perspective on the idea of political power. Creon expresses that â€Å"I must keep my kinfolk in line, Otherwise people outside the family will run wild.†Creon is the nominal leader of his family thus bids to the way that he should keep in his family all together for the city overall to stick to this same pattern. He at that point expresses that he will give â€Å"nothing however contempt†from somebody who oversteps the law and additionally guides his lords. In any case, we soon he expresses an immeasurably significant â€Å"but†: Ethical quality and prudence, the â€Å"right†and the â€Å"wrong†are less essential to Creon than the supreme submission to genuine political power. Without a doubt, political authority appears to best some other concerns. He doesn't simply express this supposition in separation, he proceeds to give a clarification for why this framework is acceptable for the ruler, yet for the city overall: Creon’s rather shaky hypothesis of political power contends that initial, a ruler’s requests ought to be obeyed beyond a shadow of a doubt. Second, that if those requests are obeyed without question he will readily surrender capacity to another and afterward be â€Å"cheerfully ruled†and third that the entire city will basically be one of request and order. Outright rulers don't will in general surrender authority without a battle or, in an innate sort of framework, before their demises. The familiar maxim that force defiles and that total force taints completely is by all accounts advantageously maintained a strategic distance from by Creon who, with his experience of intensity, and information on his family ancestry, should know better. Creon basically sets up a Cartesian world in which a pioneer is either complied (prompting an ideal society) or
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Madame Butterly Essays - Madama Butterfly, Nagasaki, Operas
Madame Butterly Essays - Madama Butterfly, Nagasaki, Operas Madame Butterly Act I At the turn of the present century, in the beautiful nurseries of a flawless Japanese manor on the edges of Nagasaki, a neighborhood marriage dealer, Goro, clarifies that he has orchestrated a marriage with a pre-adult Japanese young lady for Lieutenant Pinkerton of the United States Navy. Both the marriage contract and the going with tenant contract for a house are introduced to Pinkerton for his pleasure and comfort during the term of his administration in Japan. Both are cancelable upon similar conditions: thirty days' notification. At the point when United States Consul, Sharpless, comes calling, he cautions Pinkerton that such a game plan welcomes disaster. The youngster being referred to, he says, Cio-Cio-San, is known as Madame Butterfly as a result of her womanliness and touchy nature. Absolutely this kind of unceremonious treatment will in the long run break her delicate heart. The liberal Pinkerton overlooks the more seasoned man's recommendation, making it understood he considers the wedding a game, that he'll be happy to be hitched truly sometime in the United States to an American lady. Butterfly shows up, joined by her family. She is a guiltless young lady of fifteen, who shows up conveying her most valuable individual fortunes in her sleeve a little gems and a blade her dad used to end it all on orders from the Mikado. The wedding service continues and the gathering toasts the couple. Amidst an upbeat second, the Bonze, a Japanese cleric, clears in with a harsh impugning of the lady. She has spurned her religion and gone to Christianity in reverence to her new spouse, he declares. He proclaims her an untouchable and the whole family underpins his dooming judgment. Pinkerton sends them all away and continues to charm Butterfly. They declare their fascination in each other in an adoration two part harmony and the window ornament falls as the couple joyfully enters their new home. Act II Madame Butterfly has lived alone in the little home above Nagasaki for a long time at this point. The short marriage with Lieutenant Pinkerton finished when he came back to America and he hasn't been gotten notification from since. Her servant and companion, Suzuki, attempts to prevail upon Butterfly about the unmistakable chance that this man will stay away for the indefinite future. The appallingly faithful Butterfly answers with the aria Un bel di vedremo, portraying her vision of the Lieutenant's boat returning not too far off and Pinkerton himself climbing the slope to their home. The American representative, Sharpless, shows up with a letter he wishes to peruse to Butterfly. Nonetheless, Goro hinders to introduce a potential admirer to the young lady, an offer she immovably can't. Knowing the letter he conveys declares the wedding of Pinkerton to an American young lady, the Consul asks Butterfly what will occur if her significant other stays away for the indefinite future. She proclaims that unthinkable, however if it somehow happened to be, she says, she would slaughter herself. She delivers her young child, Trouble. He has been so-named she clarified until Pinkerton gets back home. At that point the youngster's name will become Joy. Sharpless acknowledges he can't prevail upon her and withdraws. A gun from the harbor declares the mooring of Pinkerton's boat. Butterfly and Suzuki cheerfully set up the house for his appearance. The scene closes unobtrusively as the ladies and kid settle down to look for Pinkerton's appearance on the slope way. Act III Inconvenience and Suzuki have nodded off hanging tight for the Lieutenant. Just Butterfly keeps the vigil. The sun is rising, yet Pinkerton still can't seem to make himself known. Butterfly takes her kid to his space to fold him into bed, to the tune of a children's song. At that point, Consul Sharpless shows up in the nursery, joined by Pinkerton and his American spouse, Kate. Acknowledging what has happened, Suzuki is crushed. Looking around at the once ideal hideaway where he lived with the flawless Butterfly, Pinkerton sings a goodbye to this home, to the past. Going into the room again, Butterfly catches the substance of the scene right away. She reveals to Kate that Pinkerton may have the kid on the off chance that he will return for him later. The sincerely broken Madame Butterfly blindfolds Trouble, ventures behind an elaborate screen, and cuts herself to death. Pinkerton races into the house calling to her, Butterfly! Butterfly! Be that as it may, his anxiety comes excessively late. He bows close to her dead body.
Descriptive Essay: Chelsea Park Happiest Place on Earth Essay
Last Christmas, I burned through 5 thrilling days and 4 mystical evenings in Disneyland. Day by day climate in Anaheim was lovely. The garage prompting the recreation center passageway was fixed with tall palm trees as they extended to the sky in the blasting daylight. Everyone’s face shone with delight and the kids shook their parent’s hands from side to side shouting joyfully. The sweet smell of feathery cotton-candy stimulated my nose as I entered the recreation center. â€Å"Ooooh!Ahhhhh!†The calls of happiness and hints of machines humming never appeared to stop. Despite the fact that there was heaps of holding up with unending long queues, chuckling was consistently noticeable all around and they appeared to be glad. An immense Mickey’s Fun Wheel leaped out at me right when I strolled into the California Park. The bright blossoms set close by a delightful tidal pond. The clasp clop of pony moved carriages took individuals back to cheerful days. What 's more, obviously, I always remember the most compelling motivation for going to Disneyland †the rides. There was various eye-getting minutes here-some highlighting powerful animals, and white knuckle thrill rides through the reasonable sky. â€Å"Wooooshhhhh!!!†At take off, California Screamin, took us through exciting bends in the road, with a topsy turvy circle. Individuals were shouting their lungs out when the steel thrill ride took off into the air like a rocket. The startling rate made my toes twist and the solid breeze pushed my head against the elastic dark seat. I screamed hysterically on the napkin as it fell plumb down practically contacting the ground. Very soon, it was finished. After I got off of the rush ride, I discovered my rough look with rumpled hair through a preview picture. This is essentially too dreadful to even consider contemplating. Moreover, Adventure-land was captivating tropical land blended in with palm trees, rich bamboo wall, lights, rock arrangements, straw-covered rooftops and a phony wilderness stream. Peruse Also: Topic for Descriptive Essay Particularly, Indiana Jones’ was an exceptional and sensible ride as we crossed a broken-down scaffold, passed pool of flaring magma, and evaded a gigantic tumbling stone. The truck was the real one utilized in the scene where Indy is hauled underneath during a fast interest, which was exciting for me. While the night sun warmed the old red block shops to a brilliant gleam, individuals were assembling in lines to watch the procession. A blissful motorcade highlighted well known characters from Disney motion pictures, walking groups, artists, and Santa Claus exploring through Main Street, each recounting theirâ own melodic story. It was loaded with exceptional rhythms and instruments. Yet, the most pleasurable experience of the night was the brilliant firecrackers appear. The night sky was on fire with a marvelous firecrackers show. It genuinely was meriting being life-changing. Around evening time the entire zone lit up and the sights and sounds were just awesome! Disneyland was not only a recreation center with different attractions inside; it had made a totally new world for guests to fall into. It carried me into the awesome world and caught the creative mind of each kid, and even every grown-up. Visiting Disneyland was the best experience ever for me. The excursion has left such chasing recollections of the great occasions that I never get over aching to return again! Bag Lady I delighted in perusing Christie McLaren’s exposition â€Å"Suitcase Lady†, in which she portrayed Vicomtesses’ life utilizing faculties of sight, sound, smell, and contact to pass on increasingly striking inclination. From the start when I read the title â€Å"Suitcase Lady†I envisioned the anecdote about free soul explorer who likes to go the world over. Be that as it may, I understood that it was entirely unexpected with my idea. The creator begins with tragic tale utilized words, for example, blurred, brutal, battered hack, and dried out to assist better with comprehension of the circumstance of the woman who is regular pursuing her own fight for endurance. This exposition set off my feeling towards truth of destitute who shockingly never find the opportunity to live agreeable. The statement â€Å"I bum in the city. I don’t like it, yet I need to survive†shows the destitute living as allowed the chance to live. â€Å"Her bag is brimming with dream†suggested that her bag is loaded with lady’s wishes of a superior life. The poor woman thinks energetically about the youthful, the old, and the ones who endure. Be that as it may, nobody truly identifies with the sort of unforgiving real factors. Her plan of action currently is just God since it is considerably harder to anticipate the help from the administration. Through the article, the writer brings up the issue of vagrancy in Toronto, Canada. From multiple points of view, vagrancy speaks to a social issue. I figure they should be taken care of from our consideration and backing instead of deciding with our generalization towards them.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Capital Structure of Company Accor Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Capital Structure of Company Accor - Assignment Example Accors ideal capital could be accomplished when the minimal expense of each wellspring of account is the equivalent. There is on ideal capital structure for all organizations for all occasions. The budgetary chiefs should attempt to build up a suitable capital structure. That ha these highlights. Basic in the underlying stages by constraining the quantity of issues and sorts of protections. This will dodge financial specialists getting reluctant from putting resources into the organization. Ideally Accor should give value and inclination share trying to build up an ideal capital structure. Holding a definitive control of go with the balance investor who reserve the privilege to choose executives/control in the board is important.Accor should give less value offers and inclination offer and debentures in enormous numbers to the open on the grounds that these convey restricted democratic rights entire debentures don't have any.Companys capital structure in such away which would well influence the democratic structure of existing investors and increment their control on the organization's issues. Liquidity can be accomplished for the dissolvability of organization Accor ought to evade every single such obligation which undermine the dissolvability of the organization. An appropriate harmony among fixed and current resources is kept up agreeing top the nature and size of business. Adaptability in capital structure empowers the organization to roll out essential improvements in it as per the changing conditions and make it conceivable to strategy increasingly capital at whatever point required or recover the excess capital. Capital structure of such an organization will likewise follow the strategy of conservatism, this aides in keeping up the obligation limit even in ominous conditions. Accor needs to keep up a decent parity for ideal capital structure as both over capitalization and undercapitalization are shocking to the money related premiums of Accor. A sound capital structure endeavors to make sure about parity influence by giving the two kinds of protections for example proprietorship and lender transport protections. Debentures are given when the paces of intrigue are ease of obligation is one of the segments of cost of capital caused by an association. Money produced in an association as benefits are utilized to settle for expenses and premiums on kinds of protections gained for the organization. It is compulsory for the enterprise to pay premiums to cash loan specialists like debenture holders and even inclination investor. On the off chance that Accor keeps up more obligation, it implies that it will be overburdened in adjusting the obligation needs with premiums and in the long run pay the value investors acquiring that were furrowed back. To survey whether Accor keeps up a capital structure for Accor, we ought to consider both inward and outer components. These include: - inner variables. Nature business when an organization is getting steady winning then it can bear the cost of t raise assets through sources including fixed charges, open utilities, finacing and promoting endeavors are progressively steady in their gaining and appreciate more prominent
Monday, August 3, 2020
Sexual abuse offenders
Sexual abuse offenders How Could Anyone Do That to a Child? Home›Research Posts›How Could Anyone Do That to a Child? Research PostsIntroductionIn our societies, we cannot fail to talk about the rising and unending cases of rape. It is as sad topic to cover and the act really affects the victims. The most and frequently asked question when one studies this or is in a discussion about this ordeal is what makes a man to this. In recent times the act has been seen to cross bounds to even involve young children from both sexes.Research shows that most sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their victims and in fewer cases are they strangers. Reasons that may cause an adult to molest a child are for instance the medical condition of pedophilia. Research shows that most of the sexual offenders who abuse prepubescent children are reportedly pedophiles, this is however not the case always as when they are tested, some are said not to reach the clinical standards of pedophilia. A researcher on child abuse m atters named Dr. Finkelhor says that for sex abuse to take place there must be preconditions.He suggests that some molesters find children more sexually attractive they therefore desire to have sex with children, this ill may be genetic, it may stem from earlier exposure in child porn and so forth. He moves on to explain that some molesters overcome their own inhibitions against sexual ability with children; this makes them throw away their dignity and fulfill their evil wants. He states clearly that the potential molester finds his own queer way of creating the opportunity with the minor, at this juncture, the same molester also braces himself to overcome any form of resistance brought forth by the victim. These factors in place, Dr. Finkelhor explains that sexual harassment will definitely take place.ConclusionSexual abuse is a very immoral act and the children’s act really opposes this with a very severe punishment to any convicted molester. It leads to a very low life on the p art of a victim, the factors that may lead to one been a molester should be well looked at and proper measure to avoid them put in place.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Whether a Country is Democratic or Non-Democratic - 1100 Words
Whether a Country is Democratic or Non-Democratic (Research Paper Sample) Content: Whether a country is democratic or non-democratic Name: Institution: The word democracy means rule by the people. Its a decision-making model about collectively binding rules and policies over which the people exercise control, (Wong, 2011) and the best democratic arrangement to be that where all members of the collective enjoy effective equal rights to take part in such decision making directly. Its a basic right of citizenship to be exercised (Marden, 2012) under conditions of responsibility, equality, transparency, freedom and, respecting the plurality of views, and in the politys interest. It is based on well-functioning and well-structured institutions on a platform of standards, rules and the will of society as a whole. In a democratic State, no one is above and all are equal before the law. In non-democracy people are not participating in political process. They are restricted by central governing body which in almost all cases the ruling government (Marden, 2012). The government has absolute powers over its citizens and nobody has a right to freely participate in election, decision making process or any other activity in matter pertaining the countrys governance. (Marden, 2012)These elements of democracy include and not limited to the following; Rule of law where the citizens adhere to common known laws which are unbiased for instance, criminal code; Political equity whereby all citizens from all works of life have an equal chance and right to either vote for a leader to run for leadership position in any public office (Jhankritsoni, 2011); Political freedoms where People can speak freely, form associations, run for office and vote without being intimidated; Personal freedom is where people enjoy many personal freedoms such as those of religions and expressions for instance the Churches to attend, places of worship, freedom of speech etc. (Wong, 2011)Providing a basis of distinction between democracy and non-democracy, I choose to use two countries; (Jhankritsoni, 2011) Algeria and South Africa. The elements of democracy that Ive explained above are the variables of democracy. Therefore, these two countries both exhibit completely differing status as per the variables explained and this difference builds the basis for analysis. Democracy is therefore the independent variable and the two countries are the dependent variables. This is to mean that in order to answer the question as to whether a country is democratic or not, an analysis of the elements of democracy is critical. The democratic state of these two countries is dependent on the analysis as discussed in the next paragraphs.From 1989 until 1991, Algeria was seen as a model for democracy in the developing world, and that would transform an authoritarian regime into a liberal government. Unfortunately the democratic transition did not come to fruition and Algeria still remains an authoritarian state. (Jhankritsoni, 2011) Algerias political ruling party and the military have been the same for many years and made some crucial mistakes that have led Algeria down a non-democratic path. Algeria lacks a national identity and this internal problem is one that hinders a strong democratic movement because the Algerian population is not unified under a self(Marden, 2012 Corruption and social upheaval are the harbingers for this movement and the government has not made real headway to realize the peoples wishes. (Jhankritsoni, 2011. The election system is misused. (Wong, 2011) But the military does not trust the common sense of the people. Transformative authoritarianism is better than what Algerians are experiencing currently, but bold steps have to be taken to liberalize the economy in order to spur investment and development, that in turn would lead to changes in the social status and perhaps a cultural shift toward democracy for Algerians. (Marden, 2012)On the other end, South Africa is a nation that has been struggling to define democracy and to mound institutions and mechanisms to give expression to it and from this example; there are sufficient lessons of universal importance to be drawn. South Africans had to begin grappling with what should replace apartheid and they accepted that democracy needed to succeed apartheid (Jhankritsoni, 2011).The South African Parliament has put much effort into opening the doors of the institution to ordinary citizens. On any given day, the public gallery of the National Assembly can be seen packed with groups of visiting schoolchildren, who, though not yet old enough to vote, (Wong, 2011) take an active interest in the governance of the country. In the new constitution drafting process, an extensive public awareness campaign was initiated informing people of the process and soliciting contributions to the Constitution. By the end of the process, (Marden, 2012) the Constitutional Assembly had received over two million different submissions from people around the country. This clear ly shows that the constitution making was a democratic process because the citizens were given an opportunity to express their views. (Marden, 2012)In quest of equitable distribution of national resources among regions with vastly differing levels of development and wealth, (Marden, 2012) the South African ...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
My Life At The Veterans Home Essay - 1423 Words
I vividly remember that chilly night in March as I walked out of Fifer, the building my father now calls home, for the first time. I had goosebumps, but they were not from the cold I felt hit my skin. Instead, they were from the sickness in my stomach. As I got in the car, I began to cry and had to stop myself from running back inside. My entire world had turned upside-down. How could I go home without my father? How could I leave him in a nursing home, a place where he was too young and mentally fit to be confined? I had to fight the feeling that he didn’t belong. I had to remind myself of why he chose to be there, and I hated it. During my junior year of high school, my father made the difficult decision to go live at the Veterans’ Home. For thirty-five years he had lived with Multiple Sclerosis, a debilitating disease characterized by the destruction of the myelin sheath insulating the nerve cells. This degradation affects all movement by slowing or altogether halting nerve impulses to the muscles. As a result, my father became permanently wheelchair-bound around the time I started kindergarten. By my junior year of high school, he struggled with even simple tasks such as writing, dressing, grooming, and eating. It reached the point where he could no longer live at home without round-the-clock care. This revelation was earth-shattering but not a shock. It was yet another natural progression of the disease. Still, this did not prepare me for the emotions I experienced.Show MoreRelatedVeterans Deserve a Second Chance Back Home in the USA1467 Words  | 6 PagesPeople come to America to live a better life, but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. When Veterans come back home, all they want is a second chance at life again. They want to come back and be able to start from where they left off. But the government has done very little to help these veterans. 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How can we ensure that diagnosed PTSD veterans will continue treatment after receiving full monetaryRead MoreThe Day Of The World War I1370 Words  | 6 PagesYears later in 1938, Congress passed the 11th of November as a legal holiday; in 1954, the holiday was renamed Veterans Day to include an honoring to all military personnel and committees (â€Å"Office of Public Affairs†). Veterans Day was a highly respected and celebrated day; there were parades, banquets, services, recognitions, and anything else that could be a celebration. Now however, Veterans Day is celebrated with one major publicized memorial at Arlington, posts on social media from people who hardly
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Arab Spring Movement And The Egyptian Revolution Essay
The Arab Spring movement is a fundamental event that occurred in the Arab world and a source for contentious debate amongst Western and Middle East scholars regarding the degree of political change and empowerment that the Arab Spring produced; political change refers to the overthrowing of autocratic governments and empowerment refers to the newfound collective identity, empowerment, and unity amongst citizens to challenge corrupt governments. Social movements such as the Arab spring, are defined as collective acting with some degree of organization and continuity outside of institutional or organizational channels for the purpose of challenging or defending the state authority, whether it is institutionally or culturally based in the group, organization, society, culture, or the world order of which they are a part (Orum and Dale 2009, 218). With this definition in mind, the Arab Spring is a wave of social protests initiated by civilians against corrupt governments. In the case of Egypt, the Arab Spring movement is primarily recognized as the 2011 Egyptian revolution. This revolution is characterized by eighteen day long social protests that largely focused on political and regime changes in regards to Hosni Mubarak’s governance. In part, because Mubarak failed to meet the legitimate aspirations of their citizens. These include but are not restricted to political/economic freedoms, human dignity, and economic prosperities. Considering these explanations, the uprising inShow MoreRelatedThe Arab Spring : A New Movement1587 Words  | 7 PagesThe Arab Spring is the name given to the wave of movement of anti-government protests within the Middle East and Northern Africa. The message of the Arab Spring is by no means an old one: there has been a significant amount of protest and movements prior to the modern 2010 one. The modern Arab Spring sparked in December 2010 when a local Tunisian vendor lit himself on fire in protest of the bribes demanded by the corrupt police. This action sparked similar movements in surrounding countries. ProtestorsRead MoreThe Egyptian Revolution And The Arab World1453 Words  | 6 Pagesaddressed any topic related to the Arab world can be a daunting assignment. Nevertheless, my group was able to create a unique project that highlighted a monumental string of events that shaped the Arab world as we see it today. The topic decided upon was the Arab Spring in Egypt, specifically looking at how Facebook existed in its timeframe as a mechanism for collaboration and action toward a revolution and regime change. Together, we set to understand the Egyptian revolution beginning in 2010 in tangibleRead MoreEssay about Arab Spring, Social Movement?1148 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Arab Spring? Social Movement? Change in society is not always bad, a time of transition from one phase towards another is something that might bring a better condition for the future. Even if the transition period are filled with violence, the end result of the transformation can be either in the shape of new government or even a society change. The beginning of those transitions and transformation are triggered by an action call social movement. In this paper, the writer will attempt to describeRead MoreSocial Media And The Arab Spring1447 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to the data from the Arab Social Media Report 2011 by Mourtada and Salem, the amount social media usage increased immensely during the Arab Spring period from January 1 to March 30. The number of Facebook users in the Arab nations had almost doubled, up from 14,791,972 (as of April 2010) to 27,711,503 (as of April 2011) (Mourtada and Salem 9). Similarly, in the first three months of 2011, the number of tweets increased from 55 million to 155 mi llion a day (Mourtada and Salem 15). This increaseRead MoreSocial Media And The Arab Spring1455 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to the data from Arab Social Media Report 2011 by Mourtada and Salem, the number of social media usage increased immensely during the Arab Spring period from January 1 to March 30. The number of Facebook users in the Arab nations has almost doubled since the same time, up from 14,791,972 (as of April 2010) to 27,711,503 (as of April 2011) (Mourtada and Salem 9). Similarly, at the first three months of 2011, the number of tweets increased from 55 million to 155 million a day (Mourtada andRead MoreFuture of Arab countries relations after revolutions900 Words  | 4 PagesFuture of Arab countries relations after revolutions Mohamed Abdelaziem Elchime Since the Arab revolutions in Tunisia , Egypt, Libya and Yemen , as well as in Syria mounts to talk about the impact of these revolutions on the Arab political scene in general and the Arab relations - Arab , Will lead variables internal politics which will be witnessed by those countries to reforms in other states and whether led to change in the structure of the Arab political scene in general. key words: ThisRead MoreThe Arab Spring : Social Movements2081 Words  | 9 PagesThe Arab Spring: Social Movements in the Internet Age When it comes to the case of the Arab spring it has a lot to do with how they got their start over social media networks such as Facebook and twitter, social movements just like the Arab spring have established a platform for political activism that wasn’t there before which is what I hope to show and express in my research in the case study of the Arab spring. When it comes to the Arab spring as most know they begun as a social movement on theRead MoreUnderstanding the Arab Spring1050 Words  | 5 PagesThe revolutionary movement in the Middle East started in January 2011 where Tunisian Bouazizi Mohamed, who set himself on fire, ensued to the revolt of his fellow citizens (Pollack 2011). Political and social frustrations led to tremendous discontent of citizens, and massive protests and social movements demanded a change of the country’s political regime. This widespread event was known as â€Å"the Arab Spring†and empowered other people in Arab countries w ho were not satisfied with their sociopoliticalRead MoreThe Between Islam And The Middle East1734 Words  | 7 Pagescountry or nation should be chosen by the people, but there is no clear method for re-elect after a period of time which make it a hesitation point in Islamic ideology. Others think that all these issues should be taken from the modern books where the movement of society needs are more applicable toward the new generation and the first world. However, the Middle East has a different story in the process of democratizing and still have a long way through since it has both Islam, Christianity, Jewish andRead MoreThe Effect Of The Arab Spring On The Muslim Brotherhood1716 Words  | 7 PagesIn this paper, I will be explaining the concept of revolution, its definition, and application in Egypt and Tunisia. I will further discuss the achievement that took place since the revolutions in both countries and finally will conclude by demonstrating the effect of the Arab s pring on the Muslim brotherhood. ‘Revolution’ tend to occur when the basic needs of a population are not met by its government, when there is a violation of basic human rights, when there is no hope, when people are oppressed
Monday, May 11, 2020
How can a company create value - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2313 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Discuss, with the aid of examples, how a company can create value THEORETICAL BASIS FOR VALUE CREATION Companies create value by investing capital to generate future cash flows through its business operations at a rate exceeding the cost of capital. Numerically, the value of a company can be defined as the sum of present values of free cash flows (FCF) expected in the future, and is given by the mathematical expression, Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How can a company create value?" essay for you Create order where FCFt is the free cash flow in year t, and WACC is the weighted average cost of capital. This can be simplified into the expression, where NOPLAT1 is the net operating profit less adjusted taxes in the first year, ROIC is the return on invested capital, and g is the annual rate at which FCF grows (Koller, 2010). When the investment rate is constant and NOPLAT is proportional to the revenues, the revenues of a company will also grow at the same rate g as the cash flows. Thus from the above expression, the value of a company is driven by its revenue growth (g) and the return of invested capital (ROIC). Figure 1 shows a contour plot of value vs. growth and ROIC with a NOPLAT of 100 and WACC at 10%. Figure 1: Contour Plot of Value vs. g and ROIC It is clear from the contour plot that higher growth leads to increase in value, but only when ROIC is greater than WACC. It is also evident from the arrows on Fig.1 that in order to create value, higher growth companies should focus on increasing ROIC and higher ROIC companies focus on growth. From the above theoretical basis, it is evident that in order to increase their value, companies must undertake activities that result in growing the business and/ or increasing the return on invested capital (ROIC) as appropriate, while avoiding short-term growth in free cash flows (and dividends) achieved by cutting down on investments that could increase the value on a longer term. As a corollary, if a company undertakes actions that do not produce incremental cash flows, then there is no additional value created. Activities such as share repurchases and financial engineering do not generally create value for this reason. Grullion and Michaely have demonstrated statistically that dividends and repurchases are substitutes (2002, p.1682). However share repurchases could help avoid value destruction, when a company has a high likelihood of investing cash at low returns (Koller, 2010). EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN BY COMPANIES TO CREATE VALUE Gaining Competitive Advantage A companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ROIC depends directly on its competitive advantage enabling it to charge a price premium on its products and services or produce them more efficiently (at lower cost or lower capital), or both. Companies can charge a price premium if they produce innovative and high quality products, build a great brand and through customer lock-in. In commodities or commoditised products and services, rational price discipline by the players in the industry can help keep up the lower bound on prices. Cost and capital efficiencies can be built through innovative business and operating models, leveraging economies of scale and through scalable products. Product Innovation. Tesla Motorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ electric cars are good examples of product innovation as a strategy adopted by a company. Their Model S has economy, performance and range (over 200 miles) as the key differentiating factors over other competitors, with a price premium well over $25,000 on comparable electric cars (Davis, 2013). Product Quality. While reputation for quality products helps to charge a price premium (as in the case of BMW and Audi cars), product quality programmes such as Six Sigma have been demonstrated to reduce unit cost of products/ services in Bank One, Lockheed Martin, Stanford Hospital and Clinics and of course General Electric (George, M., 2003). Brand Creation. Samsung spent over $4.3 billion in advertising, ranking in brand value at 9 from 53 (Forbes). Their products such as Ultrabooks demand premiums prices well over the other competitors and on par with Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s laptops. Brands also drive volumes as evidenced by Coca-cola and McDonalds, leading to value creation through economies of scale (Forbes). Innovative Business Methods. Structuring the business model and operations to reduce waste and complexity can result in significant cost efficiencies. Southwest Airlines avoided complexity by operating only one type of aircraft (Boeing 737) in contrast to American Airlines which operated up to 14 different types of aircraft during 1996-2001. As a result, Southwest had about 40% lesser cost of airline operations per seat-mile during in 2001 compared to American Airlines, while its share price doubled (George, M., 2004, p.6-8) Growth Initiatives When ROIC is high, growth drives value quickly as seen in Figure 1. The following are a couple of examples of how companies create value through growth Create New Markets There is perhaps no better example than tablet computers for the creation of a new market. Apple identified a market gap and released a revolutionary new product, iPad. Within the first quarter, iPad became Appleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s third largest revenue segment surpassing iPod (https://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-the-day-ipad-ipod-mac-2010-7). Persuade existing customers to buy more Insurance companies such as Aviva offer loyalty discounts to persuade its car insurance customers to buy home of life insurance thus driving growth. Technology companies such as Samsung attract customers to buy other products such as Galaxy Gear watch by offering integration with its phones. Also, technology companies persuade their customers to buy compatible accessories for phones and tablets. Granular growth In order to determine the areas of growth within the portfolio, a high level cut by business or geography is not sufficient. According to Baghai (2009, p.88-89), a granular analysis to identify micro-segments of customers, geographies, regions and products is essential, before investing in RD, advertising and other growth investments. Baghai gives an example of a semiconductor manufacturer who reallocated 30% of RD resources to highly promising segments resulting in faster than the market growth within two years. Mergers Acquisitions Jack Welch, the CEO of General Electric during 1981-2001 adopted a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“fix, sell or closeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ strategy for underperforming business units. In the first four years of his tenure, he divested 117 business units, accounting for 20% of GEà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s assets. It is well known the GEà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s share during his 20 year tenure rose by 4000%. According to a study performed on 200 companies during 1900-2000, on an average, $100 invested in January 1990 in a company actively managing its business portfolio would be worth $459 by the end of the decade, while that same $100 would have grown to only $353 if invested in company passively managing its business portfolio (Dranikoff, 2002, p.75-76). This approach to fix, sell or close based on value can be applied to the portfolio of products and service offerings of a company in order to increase its value. Explain how to value companies using the cash flow-based approach and the difficulties that may arise in the application of such an approach in the real-world. The enterprise DCF method discounts free cash flows (FCF), available to all investors including equity holders, debt holders and non-equity investors, at the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Enterprise DCF method is a carried out as shown in the process below (Koller, 2010): Determine the value operations of a company by discounting FCF at WACC Identify and value non-operating assets such as nonconsolidated subsidiaries, equity investment, and add it to the value of operations to obtain the enterprise value Identify and value all debt and non-equity claims such as unfunded pension liabilities, employee stock options, etc. Subtract the non-equity value from the enterprise value to obtain equity value. Calculate the price per share by dividing the equity value by current number of undiluted shares. Valuing Operations Using DCF method to value operations requires a forecast of future FCF and WACC at which cash flows must be discounted. Historical values of FCF and WACC are necessary before they could be forecasted. To calculate FCF for past and current years, NOPLAT and change in Invested Capital are obtained first from the rearranged financial statements, from which FCF is derived. ROIC is then calculated as the ratio of NOPLAT to the Invested Capital. The figures thus obtained are used to perform historical analysis of the company, especially to understand how the value drivers, namely ROIC and growth have behaved in the past, in order to estimate their future values. Forecasts for ROIC and growth are determined using sell-side analysis. FCF forecasts are obtained from the forecasts for NOPLAT and Invested Capital derived. A major difficulty in this process is that these forecasts cannot be projected beyond a few years. Therefore, the Continuing Value of the company must be added to the Present Value of the FCF projected for the forecasted years. The value of the operations thus determined is given by the expression (Koller, 2010): Value of Operations = PV of FCF during forecast period + Continuing Value (which is the PV of FCF during the years beyond the forecast period). NOPLAT in the year following the forecast period is required to calculate Continuing Value. RONIC (return on new capital) and growth (g) are calculated as long run forecasts. WACC is required both to discount cash flows during the forecast period as well as to determine the continuing value. It is calculated as a blended rate of the cost of capital of equity (ke) and debt (kd). Koller (2010, p.113) gives the following expression for WACC: where D is the debt and E the equity of a company at market values, while Tm is the marginal tax rate. Applying a constant WACC to determine the present value of all future cash flows is based on the assumption that the capital structure (debt to equity ratio) is constant throughout the future. This is however not true in real life. WACC can be adjusted to account for the lack of stability in debt to equity ratio, but the process is very complicated. Instead, it is recommended that Adjusted Present Value (APV) method be used in such circumstances (Koller, 2010). Some of the real world problems faced while valuing companies could be summarised as below: Company financial statements provide only historical data while DCF method requires future projections of FCF and WACC. It is not easy to obtain forecasts beyond a few years Assuming WACC to be constant throughout is not realistic and can skew the results Significant changes in debt to equity ratio can make cash flow based valuation a very difficult exercise According to Jacobs and Shivdasani (2012. p.119-124), the following are some specific practical issues identified in a survey conducted by Association for Finance Professionals (AFP): Forecast horizon varies significantly among the practitioners (5-15 years) While cost of equity (required to calculate WACC) is estimated using Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) by most respondents, the definitions of factors used in this method, viz., risk free rate, market premium and beta varied significantly (eg. beta period from 1-5 years). Similarly, inconsistent definitions of cost of debt (required for WACC calculation) were reported to be used by the respondents Nearly 50% of the respondents of a survey conducted by Association of Finance Professionals (AFP) admitted that the discount rate (WACC) they use is likely to be 1% more or less than the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s true rate. This becomes a key issue in valuation as it has been shown that a 1% drop in the cost of capital could influence the US companies to invest an additional $150 billion over three years. Over half of the respondents have using book value of equity instead of market value to calculate debt to equity ratio (required for WACC). But in real life the difference can be 10 fold (eg. IBM, Delta Airlines) resulting in WACC to be underestimated by about 2-3%. Valuation of Non-Operating Assets Enterprise value is obtained by adding the value of non-operating assets to the operating value. Non-operating assets include non-consolidated subsidiaries, excess cash, tradable securities and customer financing arms. Net income from non-consolidated subsidiaries cannot be included in the free cash flows to calculate value as it will distort the margins due to the fact that the corresponding revenues are not recognised in this calculation. Therefore, they must be valued separately. A practical difficulty in this process is the level of accuracy in estimating the value of non-consolidated subsidiaries due to the fact that it depends on how much other companies owing these subsidiaries disclose the required information (Koller, 2010). Identifying and Valuing Non-equity Claims In order to obtain equity value, the value of non-equity claims (such as interest bearing debt, unfunded pensions, capitalised operating leases and employee stock options) must be subtracted from the enterprise value. Due to increasingly complex financial markets, it is very difficult to identify certain non-equity claims such as Special Investment Vehicles (SIV) in real life, since SIVs are registered as separate legal entities and the originating banks are not contractually responsible for the debt. References Baghai, M., Smit, S., and Viguerie, P . à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Is Your Growth Strategy Flying Blind?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢, Harvard Business Review, May 2009. Davies, A. and Nudelman, M. Heres How Teslas Model S Compares To Other Top Electric Cars, Business Inisder. Available from: https://www.businessinsider.com/electric-car-comparison-chart-2013-8) [Accessed 01 March 2014]. Dranikoff, L., Koller, T. and Schneider, A. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Divestiture: Strategyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Missing Linkà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢, Harvard Business Review, May 2002 Forbes, 2014. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"The Worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Most Valuable Brandsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Available from: https://www.forbes.com/powerful-brands/list/ [Accessed 03 March 2014]. Frommer D., 2010. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"CHART OF THE DAY: The iPad Is Already Bigger Than The iPod And Half As Big As The Mac. Available from https://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-the-day-ipad-ipod-mac-2010-7 [Accessed 03 March 2014]. George, M. and Wilson, S., 2004. Conquering Complexity In Your Business. 1st ed. London: McGraw-Hill. George, M., 2003. Lean Six Sigma for Service. 1st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Grullion, G. and Michaely, R., 2002. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Dividends, Share Repurchases, and the Substitution Hypothesisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Journal of Finance, Vol LVII, No.4. Jacobs, M. and Shivdasani, A. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Do You Know Your Cost Of Capital?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢, Harvard Business Review, July-Aug 2012, p.119-124. Koller, T., Goedhart, M. and Wessels, D., 2010. Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies. 5th ed. New Jersey: John Wiley.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Modest Proposal Essay - 2330 Words
Have You Eaten Yet?: Swift’s Final Solution amp;#9;As a lately favored eighteenth century essay, Jonathan Swift’s amp;quot;Proposalamp;quot; has been canonized as a satirical model of wit. As will be discussed shortly, Swift’s essay is often seen as an allegory for England’s oppression of Ireland. Swift, himself and Irishman (Tucker 142), would seem to have pointed his razor wit against the foreign nation responsible for his city’s ruin. Wearing the lens of a New Historicist, however, requires that we reexamine the power structures at work in Swift’s society. We must delve into not only Swift’s amp;quot;Proposal,amp;quot; but also into other of his correspondence, and even into discourse of the epoch in order to gain a thick†¦show more content†¦There are major impediments to this approach. amp;#9;The Proposer is amp;quot;clearly in Ireland, addressing an Irish audience with an account of circumstances which are as real as they are horrible.amp;quot; (Rosenheim 204) England’s consumption of Ireland is mentioned expressly, but in a single clause which certainly does not inform but transiently exploits the great central conceit at work in the amp;quot;Proposalamp;quot;: amp;quot;†¦although I could perhaps name a country that would be glad to eat up our whole nation without it [preserving the flesh of the infant carcasses].amp;quot; (Swift) The structure and progress of the Proposer’s argument, both as a whole and in it particulars, seem in no way derived from any analogical or allegorical perception. Rather, at least some of Swift’s irony, if not the largest portion thereof, is directed at Ireland, not England. amp;#9;The proposer states that amp;quot;Infants flesh will be in season throughout the year†¦amp;quot; and that a large quantity of infant flesh will be consumed. He indicates that cooks will vie with each other in preparing new dishes of this food which is amp;quot;a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food.amp;quot; (Swift) The proposer next exhausts theShow MoreRelatedModest Proposal1066 Words  | 5 PagesA Modest Proposal was a satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift depicting the horrific conditions of Ireland and the lives of the Irish people in 1729. Swift writes the satire disguised as a social planner of the time who as Swift satirizes were known to be overly rational rather than compassionate. The author portrays and attacks the cruel and unjust oppression of Ireland by its oppressor, the mighty English and ridicules the Irish people at the same time. However, Swifts opposition is indirectlyRead MoreA Modest Proposal1096 Words  | 5 PagesAssignment 1 : Swift’s â€Å"A Modest Proposal†Dr. Anthony McCormack Strayer University World Culture II Gladys A. Reyes July 25, 2015 In the satire â€Å"A Modest Proposal’, Jonathan Swift expresses his feelings of frustration with regard to the aggravation and political issues in Ireland. He describes being frustrated with the indifference of Ireland politicians, the wealthy, the English tyranny, and the degradation and poor conditions in which many poor, Irish women and children have been forcedRead MoreA Modest Proposal Essay1095 Words  | 5 PagesJonathan Swift’s satire, â€Å"A Modest Proposal†, Swift writes about the starving people of Ireland in the early 1700’s. He makes a wild and absurd proposal to help remedy the problems of overpopulation and poverty. Swift wants to make a political statement by using the â€Å"children†as satire to grasp the attention of the audience - the English people, the Irish politicians and the rich – and make them aware of the political, moral, and social problems. In â€Å"A Modest Proposal†, Swift’s arguments are presentedRead MoreAnalysis on a Modest Proposal1421 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish Commentary – Digression â€Å" A modest proposal†by Jonathan Swift is a rhetoric piece that satirizes the dismal political, social and economic conditions in 18th century Ireland. As a solution, the preposterous proposal suggests that the Irish eat their own babies; as it is logically viable, and economically profitable: a condition adhering to the rational mentality of the age of reason. Swift develops his argument on two levels: A seemingly intellectual persona, caricaturized on a stereotypicalRead MoreAnalysis of A Modest Proposal873 Words  | 4 Pages Jonathan Swift, the writer of the satirical essay A Modest Proposal, grew up and lived in Ireland during times of famine and economic struggles (Conditions). Growing up with a single mother and no father, Swift knew what hard times and struggles were like (Jonathan Swift: Biography). His essay proposes an easy solution to the economic problems going on in Ireland for both the wealthy ruling classes and the poorer classes, although his intention s and the meaning behind his words are not what wouldRead MoreSatire In A Modest Proposal2026 Words  | 9 Pagesand no one else had anything to do with it. This was a common theme centuries ago, and it still a common theme today, though which particular characterizes makes someone privileged continues to change over time. In Jonathan Swift’s essay â€Å"A Modest Proposal,†Swift uses the elements of satire to ridicule Irish oppressors, specifically the Catholics and the rich. LITERARY ANALYSIS One of the most commonly used elements of satire is irony, which Swift uses freely to show the monetary and religiousRead MoreSummary Of A Modest Proposal 1304 Words  | 6 Pageseconomical problems such as poverty and overpopulation. Throughout Swifts writing we are able to recognize many things such as his purpose for writing â€Å"A Modest Proposal†and how it’s achieved, the form of emotional and logical appeal he uses to draw in his readers, along with his strongest and weakest elements in his text. Although Swift proposes his modest idea of selling children into the meat market, that is not his real solution, it is simply an idea that he proposes to get his point across that ifRead MoreJonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal949 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"A Modest Proposal†by Jonathan Swift takes place in Dublin Ireland in the 18th century. The narrator is a very ironic character. His â€Å"modest†proposal is anything but modest. This short story takes place during a famine. Since there was a famine, Swift proposes the idea that people sell their one year old children to the rich so they would not be a burden to their family. One important way in which the author engages the audience’s attention and tries to help his readers see deeper politicalRead MoreA Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift860 Words  | 4 PagesWhen I was informed to read â€Å"A Modest Proposal†by Jonathan Swift as an assignment for creating annotated bibliographies, I began to develop an interest on how Swift came about the matter of his request into rebuilding Ireland s economy and way of life. I believed that Swift added cannibalizing children to the subject matter to give his proposal a more profound and eye-opening effect, but my readings further piqued my interests on the topic. As a result, I researched Jonathan Swift’s motives andRead MoreSatire Modest Proposal Essay837 Words  | 4 Pagesupon deaf ears and change can be slow or non-existent. However some social commentators, such as Jonathan Swift in his pamphlet A Modest Proposal, use clever, targeted, and ironic criticism to bring the social state of Ireland to the attention of indolent aristocrats. He accomplishes such criticism through satire, specifically Juvenanlian satire. Swift’s A Modest Proposal stands as a perfect example of the type of satire that plays upon the audience’s emotion by creating anger concerning the indifference
Delhi’s Air Free Essays
Clean air and healthy environment is a pre-requisite for well being of people. In the modernising world, urban expansion and industrialisation has been a rapid process. With industrial expansion and rapid urbanisation, clean air in cities has become rare phenomena. We will write a custom essay sample on Delhi’s Air or any similar topic only for you Order Now Though, Air Pollution has increasingly become an environmental health hazard over the years in India and the World. The exposure to air pollution has put people at Risk of several kinds, of which health risk is the most prominent one. According to a report by World Health Organisation (WHO) on an estimate 7 million people die each year prematurely as a result of air pollution throughout the globe. Meanwhile the world in present times desires to achieve Sustainability, Delhi’s unsustainable and deteriorating air quality is put under the scanner time and again. India is a signatory to the Sustainable Development Goals. The Goal three which calls to promote good health and well-being has targets directly linking to air pollution and health risk; and Goal eleven is about making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and resilient wherein a specific target is being listed for reducing environmental impacts of cities which include reduction of levels of particulate matter in air as well. Air Pollution in India has become an issue of national importance. Many urban and rural spaces to some extent in India have highly deteriorated air quality. Delhi, being India’s capital is top in the red list. Delhi has also been consistently part of Central Pollution Control Board’s list of Non-attainment cities list with respect to ambient air pollution. This paper is based upon the research conducted upon Delhi’s case of air pollution. Delhi is a union territory and a sub-state, the federal complexities of risk governance of air pollution here has become a tedious task. Since there’s an underlined interface between the public health concern and governance of this health risk. Risk management here is of immense importance and hence governance comes into the picture through governance has become significant for this study. Air pollution in Delhi is not a contemporary cause of concern but has been now deliberated for long by various agencies. Time and again various policy initiatives have been introduced by different governments and authorities to save the Delhi’s Air. This paper through its different sections tries to trace the evolution and structure of this governance process and analyses’ the same. Towards the end, various issues of concern for the air pollution governance in Delhi have been identified and few suggestions have been chalked. How to cite Delhi’s Air, Papers
Social Science Research Methods for Longitudinal - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theSocial Science Research Methods for Longitudinal Research. Answer: A longitudinal research is where a researcher studies a sample of the targeted population over a long period of time so as to make inferences about their behavior. It is in this light, that understanding an individuals retirement behavior is necessary. For instance, as one approaches the retirement age, there are those who decide to undertake interim jobs prior to their complete withdrawal from the labor market. Thus, a longitudinal research comes in handy to understand the reason behind this. A suitable longitudinal research question that would address this behavior is Why are many employed individuals taking on interim jobs before their complete withdrawal from the labor market? Trochim (2006) argues that before articulating any research process, especially in social sciences, there is need to formulate and develop a feasible research design. A research design aids in developing logical reasoning that will help in addressing the research problem (Gorard, 2013). According to Vogt, Dianna and Lynne (2012), it is important for one to derive a research design that has reference to the research question at hand. In reference to individuals behavior of undertaking interim jobs prior to retirement, a cohort research design comes in handy in understanding the reasoning behind it. Through this design, aids in making use of the quantitative framework that is inclusive of the statistical data that makes the individuals under observation be united either by similar traits or behaviors. Additionally, in reference to the research question that seeks to understand the behavior of individuals nearing the retirement age, this design becomes feasible as it involves conducting a research over a period of time. Inclusively, it also involves using a sample of the population in different time periods thus making it a preferable one in the case of longitudinal research. Cohort design is flexible and can include the use of data either primary or secondary data thus providing deeper insights to the research question over time (Healy Devane, 2011). A longitudinal research design can also be used to answer the research question. This is because it involves the observing the same population over time and involving different samples when making the repeated observations (Singer Willet, 2003; Vandenberg, Ployhart, 2010). Approaches to Social Research There are various approaches that can be applied in social research. Among these, is the positivist approach. This approach uses the deductive approach where the researcher is required to focus on available facts (Crowther and Lancaster, 2008). A positivist approach is bound by the fact that the researcher should be independent and that the research should objective. It is arguable that older workers who choose to remain economically active tend to face problems finding work. Researchers who apply the positivist approach, are more likely to investigate this phenomenon by observing it rather than trying to explain the phenomenon (Wilson, 2010). To do this, they have to identify their target population firstly, then derive a sample which they will observe throughout the study. Additionally, they are supposed to be independent meaning they can not to have any relationship with the sample chosen. This is to ensure that the findings in their research are objective and applicable. The researchers have to understand the problem from the general view similar to the one the world has then develop the most efficient methods to gather information. This can be through administering questionnaires in addition to observing the sample population. Knusten and Jonathan (2012) provide that positivist can conduct experiments as they can determine the causality of t hese issues and at the same time acquire necessary and additional information. A positivist approach by researchers is more likely to include the use of questionnaires, surveys, and available statistics (MacKinnon, 2007). This is because they are believed to offer reliable and representative data that will guide the research to conduct and analyze the identified findings. The positivist approach is a good one as it reduces the opportunity for prejudice associated with other approaches. It gives the observer a chance to have a clear mind as they have an independent thinking. In this way, they will be able to make inferences on the reason as to the theory of older workers facing problems when searching for work. According to Monette, Sullivan, and DeJong (2010), as the positivist approach encourages a researcher to use the quantitative method of data collection and analysis, it allows them to get in-depth information that explains the stated phenomena. This makes their research to be quantifiable, objective and applicable to the general public. Survey Research When conducting research on behalf of National Silver Academy (NSA) on how learning experiences can be improved upon, the following survey questions can be applicable: (1) How do you find the learning experience? (2)What areas are you satisfied within the attaining the education? (3)What areas do you feel can use improvement? (4) What are some of your suggestions on improvements that you recommend to ensure the education received is of great quality? (5)What are other critical areas do you believe should be included in the learning process? These survey questions are crucial in conducting the research due to the fact that they are open-ended thus allowing the respondents to give clear and detailed responses. This also makes the answers giving be valid fable and reliable. This is because the researcher will attain deeper information on the topic as the details are in plenty. To ensure the validity and reliability of the research, the survey questions are directly related to the question in hand. The NSA wants to evaluate how the learning experience of the students can be improved upon. The survey questions help the researcher to gather first-hand information from the sample and make inferences based on what he gathers. This will make the findings valid and reliable as what is collected is directly from the source. It is in this light that the questions attempt to identify what is comfortable to the students, what is not comfortable, propose ways to make their learning experience comfortable as well as identifying new add itional features that would help improve their experience thereby providing conclusive findings that will answer the research question. Using a survey, in this case, is beneficial as it provides precise results and is highly representative as the population is large. Additionally, it is convenient for gathering data and has good statistical significance. A possible drawback of using survey, in this case, can be the inflexibility of the technique as the administration right up to a collection of data cannot be changed. Conclusion When conducting a research on social science, it is important for one to ensure that they have formulated the right research question that will address the issue or problem. Consequently, the research design developed should be relative and applicable to the research question formulated. To acquire the best information as well as knowledge on a particular issue, it is advisable for a researcher to use the right approach especially a positivist one to describe and engage the issue. References Crowther, D. Lancaster, G. (2008). Research Methods: A Concise Introduction to Research in Management and Business Consultancy. Butterworth- Heinemann. Gorard, S. (2013). Research Design: Creating Robust Approaches for the Social Sciences. Thousand Oaks. CA, Sage. Healy, P. Devane, D. (2011). Methodological Considerations in Cohort Study Designs. Nurse Researcher 18, pp. 32-36. Knusten, T. L., Jonathan, M. W (2012). Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research. 2nd ed. New York: Palgrave. MacKinnon, D. P. (2007). Introduction to Statistical Mediation Analysis. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Monette, D. R., Sullivan, J. T., DeJong, C. R (2010). Applied Social Research: A Tool For The Human Services, 8th Ed. Brooks/Cole. Neuman, W. L. (2014). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 7th Edition. Pearson Education Limited: UK. Singer, J. D., Willett, J. B. (2003). Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis. New York: Oxford University Press Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). Research Knowledge Base. Wilson, J. (2010). Essentials of Business Research: A Guide to Doing Your Research Project. Sage Publications. Vandenberg, J. R, Ployhart, E. R. (2010). Longitudinal Research: The Theory, Design and Analysis of Change. Journal of Management 36 pp. 94-120. Vogt, W. P., Dianna, C.G, Lynne, M.H. (2012). When to Use What Research Design. New York: Guilford.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Cherokee Removal free essay sample
They had their own gender roles and religion; even eating food had a different definition than the white mans culture. They had equality between genders, and other members of the tribe had equal rights to talk. But still white people called them savage or uncivilized for political reasons and not just because they were completely barbaric. In this society, task division can be Seen between genders. For example, women Would farm and men would hunt. There was a townhouse where men and women would gather, it was a palace for debating and talking about important issues, and conduct ceremonies. The leader of the society was with one whom people would respect and follow him, rather than just a person who has born to office (p. 3). There were reasons that white men considered Native Americans uncivilized. Cherokees or Native Americans were people who would live as a tribe, they had a leader and they would share the land that they were using for hunting. We will write a custom essay sample on The Cherokee Removal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There were some laws and organizations. They had men who would fight and women who would farm and take care of the rest of the family. Their cloth was different than white peoples they wouldnt cook their meat, they werent Christian, and they didnt have any education. They believed it was up to them to keep everything around them in balance and when one of them was killed they thought it was their responsibility to telltale their death. Also, they believed men balanced women and hunting balanced farming.They also didnt have any priority laws. By the end of asses relations between Americans and Native Americans changed. Since neither the united States nor Native Americans would give up their goals, the government of United States figured that to win Native Americans and get all they wanted, government needed to spend lots of money and time. The united States tried to figure out a peaceful way to communicate with Native Americans. The new workable system fell to President George Washingtons first Secretary of War Henry Knox (p. 0).Henry Knox brought a new relation between Americans and Native Americans. Knox and Washington believed that the uncivilized Indian life was based on them not knowing better. On the other hand, their inferiority was cultural not racial (p. 1 1). In 1 791 they announced the Cherokees may be led to a greater civilized society instead of remaining hunters. So women started to weave cloth, these Cherokee planters became rich, and the first law established in 1 808 was about preventing the theft horses, also Cherokees invented a system for writing the Cherokee language.The Indian Removal policy started by Andrew Jackson ND passed in 1830. In 1 sass the Georgia legislature planed a lottery system, that was system of land distribution and qualifying citizens could register for a chance to win these lands. United States could not force tribal leaders to sell their lands and many of leaders refused to sell their lands. However, in asses Resolution of Georgia General Assembly declared that under constitution, the federal government had no power in dealing with the Cherokees except regulate commerce. (p. 74). Thus if the United States failed to obtain the Cherokee Nation for Georgia under the Compact of 1 802, the state could simply take their lands. Even though Supreme Court voted in favor of Cherokees about the Cherokee Nation and Georgia, but Georgia refused to follow the Supreme Courts order. Jackson believed that civilizing Indians and settling them down caused us the loss of the opportunity to purchase their land. One of the important reasons of people like Jackson for supporting the idea of the Act of Removal was the United States discovered gold in their lands.The United States figured out in order to expand the cotton economy they needed more fertile lands, and the lands that Native Americans had were one of the most fertile lands. Also Lewis Case the governor of the Michigan territory was against the civilization program because he blamed the character and temperament of the Native Americans (p. 1 15). Following the Removal Act, Catherine Beechen stood for American women standing up against Cherokee Removal at the time when women had few political openings. She wrote a widely distributed circular in which she called on women to petition congress to defeat the impending Indian Removal Act (p. 1 11). Many of the Cherokees were against the Act of Removal, but there was no agreement among them just like American society. Many of the Native American women was outside of political argument they used to farm and take care of their families but the Removal Act provided an opportunity for Cherokee women to talk out to the Cherokee National Council.They believed it is their duty as mothers to guide their chiefs, they believed that they have grown up in the land that god gave them and they didnt like to be removed to another country and this would be like destroying your mothers (p. 1 32) mothers or Cherokee women believed that the Removal Act would destroy everything they have, The force to go west increased in the sass but few Cherokees agreed to move beyond Mississippi and under terms of Treaty of New Echoed, the Cherokees had to move in two years but most Cherokees resisted to move. The deadline approached and only two thousand Cherokees moved west. The Trail of Tears was from removing Indians from their land and moving them west by force. About three thousands of them were divided in to three groups in the last group, Lewis Ross brother of John Ross, was in charge of providing transportation tolls for roads, blankets in roads. The final group arrived in late March. About Houston of Cherokees died in the middle of the trial because the removal was very long and the weather was unconditional (p. 68). As they finally were forced to leave their land, despite losing their home, and losing many families in the middle of eight hundred mile even though moving out from their home land was meant to them as destroying everything they have. But still these people showed their capability of coping with harsh situations. As it is obvious they didnt get any stronger. Nowadays, they are not famous unfortunately as it goes these people will get more Americanizes and will forget more about their past. The Cherokee Removal free essay sample President Andrew Jackson and the passing of the Indian Removal Act of 1 830, the Cherokee people could have easily integrated into American society. The Cherokee people incorporated many Of the Anglo-American ways in order to become civilized and assimilate into American society. They converted from a hunter and gathering society into an agrarian society by clearing parcels of land for farming. Farming became their primary means of food. John Ridge, a prominent Cherokee, stated, Here is not to my knowledge a solitary Cherokee to be found that depends upon the chase for pubescence and every head of a family has his house farm (Trail of Tears). A few of the wealthier Cherokee, usually half-breeds, owned larger tracks of land. Some even owned slaves in which to raise cotton to be sold at market for a profit. In addition to becoming farmers, the Cherokee people structured their own way of governing. The Cherokee formed a system of government structured similar to that of the United States government. We will write a custom essay sample on The Cherokee Removal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There were legislative, judicial and executive branches that establish laws, which were written in English and enforced by a court of justice, sheriffs, marshals, and unstable within each district (Trail of Tears). The Cherokee people even adopted their own constitution and declared themselves a sovereign and independent nation (The Removal Cases). In addition to adopting a constitution, they also adopted Christianity. Any superstitions of the past where dissipated by the embracing of the Christian faith.Churches were established and [Oho influence of Religion on the life of the Indians is powerful lasting. (Trail of Tears). In addition to adopting a constitution and embracing the Christian faith, education became an important aspect of the Cherokees life. Education of the tribe was on the up rise. John Ridge stated in this letter to Albert Gallatin that, There are about 13 schools established by missionaries in the Nation and may contain 250 students. . .. Besides this, some of our most respectable people have their children educated at academies in adjoining states (Trail of Tears).For the tribe members who did not know the English language, a written Cherokee language was invented so they may be educated also. TO further educate tribe members, the Cherokee nation acquired a printing press and established their own newspaper. In addition to the newspaper, a society was established called the Moral tertiary Society of the Cherokee Nation (Trail of Tears). With all the opportunities for education, the Cherokee people had become civilized and were integrating into American society, yet there were still those who wanted them removed. With the discovery of gold in Georgia in 1828, a state that contained a large part of the Cherokee Nation, more and more Georgia citizens were demanding the Cherokees removal. Many believed the Indians were unable to become civilized. Senator Lewis Sacs of Michigan stated fore Congress that, Existing for two centuries in contact with a civilized people, they have resisted, and successfully too, every effort to meliorate their situation, or to introduce among them the most common arts of life. .. There must then be an inherent difficulty, arising from the institutions, character, and condition of the Indians themselves (Trail of Tears). When questioned about the civilized Cherokees his response was, And we have as little doubt, that this change of opinion and condition is confined, in a great measure, to some of the half-breeds and their immediate connections. These are not sufficiently numerous to affect our general proposition (Trail of Tears).Yet, the Cherokee proved they were civilized with the incorporation Of farms, schools, churches, and a constitution. Georgia looked to the U. S. Constitution and President Andrew Jackson for a means to remove the Cherokee from their land. Departing from earlier views of how to handle the Indians, Andrew Jackson, who was raised on the frontier with a dislike for Indians (Borer 253), was more than willing to help Georgia in its cause to remove the Cherokee.He viewed Georgia as a sovereign state within the United States and according to the U. S. Constitution; no other sovereign nation could exist within its boundaries. He advised the Cherokee to disassemble their government and emigrate beyond the Mississippi or submit to the laws of those States [in which they resided] (Trail of Tears). Jackson believed that is would be in the best interest Of the United States and the Indians to relocate west of the Mississippi. In his Annual Message to Congress on December 8, 1829, he states: Surrounded by the whites with their arts of civilization, which by destroying the resources of the savage mom him to weakness and decay, the fate of the Meghan, the Narragansett, and the Delaware is fast over-taking the Choctaw, the Cherokee, and the Creek. That this fate surely awaits them if they remain within the limits of the States does not admit of a doubt. Humanity and national honor demand that every effort should be made to avert so great a calamity.It is too late to inquire whether it was just in the United States to include them and their territory within the bounds of new States, whose limits they could control. (Trail of Tears) In order to remove the Cherokee from their home lands, President Jackson ensured that passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830. This Act entitled the U. S. Government to exchange public lands in the West for Indian territories in the East and appropriated $500,000 to cover the expenses of removal (Borer 254). Even though the Cherokee were a civilized people, under the Removal Act, the Cherokee Nation had no choice but to disband.The Cherokee were forced by federal troops to migrate west between October 1 838 and March 1 839 to the Oklahoma territory. This exodus became one of the most horrific journeys in American history. An estimated ,000 Cherokee perished on what became to be known as the Trail of Tears (Anderson, Wetware, Bell Our nation, which fought for the right of freedom from tyranny, stripped civilized human beings from their homes and forced them into oppression all on the premises it would be in the best interest for the Indians to relocate so as not to become extinct.In actuality, the true reason forcing the Cherokee off their home lands was the greed for the land and gold. Chief John Ross of the Cherokee nation, who was s o influential in civilizing the tribe, was comment as saying, We are stripped of every attribute f freedom and eligibility for legal self-defense. We are denationalization; we are disfranchised. We are deprived of membership in the human family! (Trail of Tears) A people that could have become a prosperous and productive part of society were now forced into poverty.In spite of all the Cherokee people have been through, the North Carolina band has contributed greatly to todays society. The Eastern band of the Cherokee has contributed to the economy of the Western North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains by teaching their culture through museums, story telling and craft sells. With the opening of the Hurrah Casino, tourism has increased considerably which contribute to the economy of not only the tribe but also the surrounding counties.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Essay Sample About John White and Roanoke
Essay Sample About John White and RoanokeYou can find a wide variety of middle school essay samples about John White and Roanoke. There are quite a few of them that you can pick up. What they are, the different types of resources that you will get for writing an essay and the value that it will have for your career.The first thing that you need to understand is that these essays are not an easy write. The subject matter that this subject matter is in will make it a little more difficult for you to get out. Also the fact that John White's characters are well developed is important. The people who are seen on the screen do go through some personal hardships that are relatable.Middle school essay samples about John White and Roanoke will give you an insight into what it is like to be a teenager. You can see what you are doing right and wrong because you will be a part of what you are doing. It is a lot like the movies but with a different perspective.These Middle School Essay samples ab out John White and Roanoke will help you think about some of the things that will come in your life. There are many things that will come into your life that you are not ready for. You will not be ready for some of the challenges that you will face and you will not be ready for everything that you will be faced with. This will be something that you have to do before you have a chance to find out who you are.You will also find that these essay samples about John White and Roanoke are going to give you some thoughts on what it means to be human. There are some things that will be impossible to do without putting the human element into it. You will realize that you have to do your best and you are going to make mistakes along the way. This can be a wonderful experience that you will never forget.If you have some friends who are good writers then you can go out and read some of their middle school essay samples about John White and Roanoke. They are going to give you a lot of valuable i nformation that you can use. You can begin by finding the one that will work best for you.These are some of the things that you will learn about the Middle School Essay samples about John White and Roanoke. The thing that you need to know is that it will be an excellent experience for you. It is going to get you prepared for the real world and it is going to give you a foundation that will help you to go out and make some money.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
5 Ways to Avoid The Stress of Social Media Overload - BestEssay.Education
5 Ways to Avoid The Stress of Social Media Overload 5 Ways to Avoid The Stress of Social Media Overload Study...previous generation that supposedly loved each other more and did a better job of having relationships with one another because they didnt have Facebook/Smart phones or that crazy rock and roll music... Let's be honest, you are on social media all of the time. That is not going to change. You've seen all of the memes and Facebook posts lamenting some previous generation that supposedly loved each other more and did a better job of having relationships with one another because they didn't have Facebook/Smart phones or that crazy rock and roll music, and you've rolled your eyes along with the rest of us. This doesn't mean that social media involvement doesn't come with a potential cost. Social media overload can cause stress, sleeplessness, and it can cause you to change your online behaviors in certain ways. One way that this happens is that you become too eager to receive likes and shares on your social media posts, especially those that highlight your physical attributes. Social media overload can also impact relationships and grades. This is too bad, because social media can be such a positive part of life where we can connect with people, play games, and share our stories and pho tographs. It is sad that it turns into such a negative for some people. Fortunately, there are 5 ways to avoid the stress and other negative impacts of social media overload. 1. Cut Out The Toxic People and Conflicts Poisoning Your Feed Nobody is perfect. However, there are people and entities on your social media feed who contribute nothing but negativity. Remember that there is a difference between somebody who adds a bit of naughty, gossipy fun to your news feed, and somebody who just starts trouble and seeks attention. The difficult part of this process is that you may end up cutting off people you truly care about. Just remember that you have intermediate options such as hiding somebody from your wall temporarily. This gives you reprieve from negativity while still leaving the opportunity for continuing friendships open. 2. Shut Off Your Notifications on Your Smart Phone There is absolutely no need to interrupt some activity of yours to pay heed to some social media message. What could create more social media overload than being tethered to your social media account. If you do this, you also take yourself away from temporary social media drama. It will also be amazingly freeing once you become the one who is in control of when and how you receive notifications. Give it a try for 24 hours and you will be amazed at how much happier you are. 3. Take Quiet Breaks From Social Media When You Need to Disengage You've heard it before. Step back. Don't engage. Take a break. You should follow this advice. Social media breaks are a great way to focus on other things, take yourself away from drama, and rethink your social media presence. If you do decide to take a break, please consider doing so quietly. If you are tempted to leave social media in the midst of a conflict, and feel the need to announce it publicly, the result will be the creation of more drama. 4. Outside Every Single Day A brief foray into nature could be just what you need to understand and put the pressures of social media into proper perspective. Whatever you do, you will come back to your desktop with a renewed sense of interest and a fresh perspective. Do this on a regular basis, and you will become almost immune to the effects of social media overload. You will also establish a pattern with other social media users that you can and will leave social media when it interferes with your daily activities. 5. Make Human Contact a Daily Priority There is nothing like real life, human contact to offset the impact of social media overload. It serves as a great reminder that there are human beings behind screen names, and that there is often more going on in people's lives than what they present on social media. Also, no matter how much contact we have with people through social media, we still need real life interaction with one another. These are just 5 possible suggestions to help you keep social media from becoming too important of a presence in your life. You can probably think of several other strategies in addition to these. The point in general is that social media is a great thing, but it can become too important. It can also be a medium for toxicity and nastiness if you allow it to become that. What do you think? Have you struggled with problems caused by social media overload? How did you handle the situation, and what advice would you give to others? Which items would you add or remove from our list? Leave a comment to let us know, or drop us a line. We are always interested in hearing what you think.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Qué es e-verify y cómo afecta el trabajo de inmigrantes
Quà © es e-verify y cà ³mo afecta el trabajo de inmigrantes El programa e-verify es una herramienta gratuita en Internet del Gobierno federal que permite a empresas y empleadores individuales verificar, en el momento de una nueva contratacià ³n, si la persona que pretenden emplear est autorizada para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos. E-verify utiliza la informacià ³n sobre el potencial empleado que cada empresa registra en la planilla que se conoce como I-9 y que el empleador introduce en el programa para compararla con informacià ³n de las bases de datos del Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y de la Administracià ³n de la Seguridad Social. En apenas unos segundos se obtiene la respuesta confirmando que el potencial trabajador est autorizado o, por el contrario, que no lo est. La respuesta negativa se seà ±ala con una nota conocida como no confirmacià ³n tentativa (TNC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que equivale a una no autorizacià ³n. En este artà culo se informa sobre el funcionamiento de este programa, quà © empresas estn obligadas a utilizarlo, quà © hacer cuando e-verify no confirma que una persona est autorizada para trabajar y, finalmente, cà ³mo cualquier persona puede comprobar quà © informacià ³n tiene este programa sobre ella. Cà ³mo funciona e-verify Las empresas o los empleadores individuales pueden darse de alta y registrarse gratuitamente en la pgina oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Necesitan tener a mano el EIN, que es el nà ºmero federal que identifica a la empresa o al empresario. La pgina de inscripcià ³n brinda cuatro formas de acceso, que dependen de las circunstancias de la empresa. Es importante seguir las instrucciones y darse de alta en la opcià ³n correcta. Precisamente porque puede ser confuso, muchas empresas prefieren utilizar los servicios de compaà ±Ãƒ as privadas que actà ºan como agentes de e-verify. En todo caso, las empresas deben firmar electrà ³nicamente un contrato que se conoce por las iniciales de MOU (Memorndum de Entendimiento, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que regula el uso que se puede hacer de e-verify. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que e-verify solamente se puede utilizar para verificar informacià ³n sobre nuevos empleados, nunca sobre personas que ya estn trabajando para una empresa. Quà © empresas estn obligadas a utilizar e-verify En este punto la respuesta no es fcil ni à ºnica, ya que la obligatoriedad o no de e-verify est regulada por leyes federales y estatales, lo cual tiene como una de sus consecuencias que se producen enormes diferencias entre estados. En todo caso, en la actualidad ms de un millà ³n de empresas utilizan este programa. En primer lugar, todas las empresas pueden libre y gratuitamente utilizar el servicio de e-verify, si asà lo desean, para asegurarse de que todos los empleados que contratan tienen papeles para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos. Esto aplica a los 50 estados de la Unià ³n y tambià ©n a sus territorios, como por ejemplo Puerto Rico, aunque en este punto hay excepciones, como el caso de la Samoa americana. En cuanto a la obligacià ³n de registrarse y utilizar e-verify de acuerdo a las leyes federales, aplican varios supuestos, siendo el ms comà ºn el que afecta a las empresas que contratan con el gobierno federal o alguna de sus agencias. En este caso, la regla general es que todas las empresas estn obligadas, a menos que aplique algunas de las excepciones, como es el caso de que el contrato entre el gobierno y la compaà ±Ãƒ a se extienda por menos de 120 dà as, o el monto de la obra o servicio sea inferior a $150.000 o que el trabajo se desarrolle en su totalidad fuera de los Estados Unidos. Asimismo, esa regla aplica en los casos de subcontrataciones y empresas afiliadas, si bien la ley permite excepciones. Pero adems existen otras reglas federales menos conocidas que tambià ©n imponen el obligado cumplimiento de este programa. Por ejemplo, es imperativo registrase y utilizar e-verify cuando se contrata a estudiantes internacionales con visa F-1 para el programa OPT en su modalidad de extensià ³n para carreras STEM (Ciencias, Tecnologà a, Ingenierà a y Matemticas, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En cuanto a los estados, se producen situaciones extremadamente diversas que van desde la prohibicià ³n de utilizar e-verify a nivel estatal a la obligatoriedad de utilizarlo para agencias y contratistas de los gobiernos estatales y locales, y tambià ©n para la mayorà a de empresas privadas, incluso en el caso de que carezcan de relacià ³n de negocios con las administraciones pà ºblicas. Debido a la gran variedad legislativa se recomienda verificar la ley que aplica en cada estado. Este artà culo se limita a mencionar la situacià ³n en los siete estados con ms poblacià ³n inmigrante y en cuyos territorios residen el 70 por ciento de los migrantes presentes en la actualidad en Estados Unidos. Asà , en aplicacià ³n de la Ley de Aceleracià ³n del Empleo de 2011, en California est prohibido que las agencias estatales, las ciudades o los condados exijan a las empresas privadas el uso de e-verify. Adems, desde 2016 las empresas que utilicen e-verify pueden ser multadas con un mximo de $10.000 si utilizan la informacià ³n obtenida a travà ©s de ese sistema para una finalidad distinta a la de verificar autorizacià ³n para trabajar de una persona. En Florida, en aplicacià ³n de la Orden Ejecutiva 11-02, estn obligados a utilizar e-verify todas las empresas que presten servicios o vendan productos a agencias estatales. En Illinois la ley HB1743 permite el uso de e-verify por parte de empresas privadas pero penaliza el mal uso de la informacià ³n obtenida. Adems, la ley SB11 prohibe a agencias estatales o locales exigir el empleo de e-verify. En Nueva Jersey y en Nueva York no existen leyes ni à ³rdenes ejecutivas regulando el empleo de e-verify, por lo tanto su aplicacià ³n a nivel estatal es voluntario. En Pennsylvania, la ley SB625 requiere el uso de e-verify para todos los contratistas y subcontratistas de obras pà ºblicas por un importe superior a $25.000. En Texas, por orden ejecutiva RP-80, estn obligados a utilizar e-verify las agencias estatales y los contratistas con el estado. Adems, en aplicacià ³n de la ley SB374 las instituciones de educacià ³n superior, como por ejemplo universidades, estn obligadas a usar este sistema. Quà © hacer si e-verify emite una no confirmacià ³n tentativa (TNC) El sistema puede fallar por contener informacià ³n errà ³nea o no actualizada. Es por ello que, ante esa situacià ³n, el empleado tiene dos opciones. En primer lugar, aceptar la negativa, en cuyo caso el empleador dar por terminada la relacià ³n entre ambas partes. Pero, en segundo lugar, puede apelar esa decisià ³n del sistema e-verify. En este caso el empleador no puede posponer el inicio del trabajo o del entrenamiento, ni tampoco puede suspenderlo o aplazarlo si ya ha comenzado. Adems, el empleado debe contactar o bien con el DHS o bien con la Administracià ³n de la Seguridad Social. La opcià ³n depende de lo que diga el sistema de e-verify cuando notifica la negativa. Si se debe contactar con el DHS, el telà ©fono para marcar es el 888-897-7781 y debe hacerse dentro de los ocho dà as laborales siguientes a la decisià ³n de no confirmacià ³n tentativa. Deben tenerse a mano todos los datos generados por la TNC, como por ejemplo el nà ºmero de caso. Adems, debe esperarse preguntas relacionadas con cambios de estatus migratorios y las fechas en los que tuvieron lugar. Por el contrario, si se debe contactar la Administracià ³n de la Seguridad Social, en ese caso se tiene que acudir en persona a una de las oficinas locales dentro de los ocho dà as laborales siguientes a recibir la TNC. Entre los documentos que deben llevarse destacan la notificacià ³n de la no confirmacià ³n tentativa, una identificacià ³n que muestre nombre, apellidos y edad, acreditacià ³n de la ciudadanà a americana, si se tiene, o de la tarjeta de residencia permanente, si ese es el caso. E-verify self-check Cualquier persona mayor de 16 aà ±os puede utilizar e-verify para comprobar si, segà ºn las bases de datos del gobierno federal, est autorizado para trabajar en Estados Unidos. Esta opcià ³n, que se conoce popularmente como self-check y est disponible en espaà ±ol, permite corregir posibles errores que puedan aparecer en ese programa antes de solicitar empleo en una empresa por primera vez. Documentos que permiten trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos Para finalizar, recuerda que los documentos que permiten acreditar que se est autorizado para trabajar son cualquiera de los siguientes: Los que prueben la ciudadanà a estadounidenseLa tarjeta de residencia permanente, conocida tambià ©n como green cardEl permiso de trabajo (EAD, por sus siglas en inglà ©s)Una visa vigente de trabajo o de intercambio, en estos dos à ºltimos casos respetando siempre las condiciones especà ficas de cada visa. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
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